Sunny Raison, the director of the research department, recently found one of his subordinates, Tony, had some violations on the report-writing. Then Sunny wrote an email to warn Tony to stop violations right now and reported these violations to his employer. Did Sunny violate the Code and Standards?
A.No, because he warned Tony to stop violations by email.
C.No, because he reported these violations to his employer.
B is correct.
According to Standard IV(C) Responsibilities of Supervisors, warning employee and Reporting to employer are not enough for Sunny, he should take further steps to prevent more violations.
前面老师有解释说要采取实际行动才不算违反CFA, 那么难道发邮件警告和报告给employer不算实际行动么?那这算啥??还是说理解为,发邮件警告和报告给employer都不能制止犯错的员工去停止犯错,必须采取某种手段当下立即阻止他犯错才行?