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徐威廉 · 2021年08月02日




Fap is a small country whose currency is the Fip. Three years ago, the exchange rate was considered to be reflecting purchasing power parity (PPP). Since then, the country’s inflation has exceeded inflation in the other countries by about 5% per annum. The Fip exchange rate, however, remained broadly unchanged.

What would you have expected the Fip exchange rate to show if PPP prevailed? Are Fips over or undervalued, according to PPP?


According to PPP, to offset the effect of the higher inflation in Fap, the Fip should have depreciated against the other currencies by approximately the difference between Fap inflation and that in the other countries. According to PPP, Fip is overvalued.


老师麻烦您看一下我的理解过程有没有问题,题干说在PPP prevail的情况下,Fip是高估还是低估?即fap国通胀比其他国家大5%,但是fib汇率不变。如果在PPP成立的情况下,且汇率形式是“Fib/外币”,应该是外币升值,fib贬值,所以目前的真实fib汇率被高估了
1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2021年08月02日





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NO.PZ2020012102000011 问题如下 Fis a small country whose currenis the Fip. Three years ago, the exchange rate wconsireto reflecting purchasing power parity (PPP). Sinthen, the country’s inflation hexceeinflation in the other countries about 5% per annum. The Fip exchange rate, however, remainebroay unchange Whwoulyou have expectethe Fip exchange rate to show if PPP prevaile Are Fips over or unrvalue accorng to PPP? Accorng to PPP, to offset the effeof the higher inflation in Fap, the Fip shoulhave preciateagainst the other currencies approximately the fferenbetween Finflation anthin the other countries. Accorng to PPP, Fip is overvalue 解析根据购买力平价理论,为了抵消Fap中较高的通货膨胀的影响,Fip应该对其他货币贬值大约是Fap通货膨胀与其他国家之间的差额。根据购买力平价理论,Fip被高估了。 如题。什么样的情况下要写先overshooting,然后在回归正常PPP判断下的汇率水平。

2024-04-24 12:58 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012102000011 问题如下 Fis a small country whose currenis the Fip. Three years ago, the exchange rate wconsireto reflecting purchasing power parity (PPP). Sinthen, the country’s inflation hexceeinflation in the other countries about 5% per annum. The Fip exchange rate, however, remainebroay unchange Whwoulyou have expectethe Fip exchange rate to show if PPP prevaile Are Fips over or unrvalue accorng to PPP? Accorng to PPP, to offset the effeof the higher inflation in Fap, the Fip shoulhave preciateagainst the other currencies approximately the fferenbetween Finflation anthin the other countries. Accorng to PPP, Fip is overvalue 解析根据购买力平价理论,为了抵消Fap中较高的通货膨胀的影响,Fip应该对其他货币贬值大约是Fap通货膨胀与其他国家之间的差额。根据购买力平价理论,Fip被高估了。 The excess inflation have negative impaon competivenss of Fap.To maintain competiveness, Fip shoulpreciate, thus offset the appreciate impaimpliePPP, so exchange rate of Fip remaineunchange even PPP prevaileAccorng to PPP only, Fip shoulpreciate for the excess inflation, but inenot, so Fip is overvalue

2024-04-10 23:48 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012102000011 问题如下 Fis a small country whose currenis the Fip. Three years ago, the exchange rate wconsireto reflecting purchasing power parity (PPP). Sinthen, the country’s inflation hexceeinflation in the other countries about 5% per annum. The Fip exchange rate, however, remainebroay unchange Whwoulyou have expectethe Fip exchange rate to show if PPP prevaile Are Fips over or unrvalue accorng to PPP? Accorng to PPP, to offset the effeof the higher inflation in Fap, the Fip shoulhave preciateagainst the other currencies approximately the fferenbetween Finflation anthin the other countries. Accorng to PPP, Fip is overvalue 解析根据购买力平价理论,为了抵消Fap中较高的通货膨胀的影响,Fip应该对其他货币贬值大约是Fap通货膨胀与其他国家之间的差额。根据购买力平价理论,Fip被高估了。 按照这位同学的解答过程,我在下面这个逻辑卡住了,没办法理解到。已知S1-S0 0, S = A/B,推出: B升值,A贬值疑惑如果S = A/B,B升值,A贬值,那么S1应该变小呀,此时不是S1-S0 0吗????

2024-04-09 14:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012102000011 问题如下 Fis a small country whose currenis the Fip. Three years ago, the exchange rate wconsireto reflecting purchasing power parity (PPP). Sinthen, the country’s inflation hexceeinflation in the other countries about 5% per annum. The Fip exchange rate, however, remainebroay unchange Whwoulyou have expectethe Fip exchange rate to show if PPP prevaile Are Fips over or unrvalue accorng to PPP? Accorng to PPP, to offset the effeof the higher inflation in Fap, the Fip shoulhave preciateagainst the other currencies approximately the fferenbetween Finflation anthin the other countries. Accorng to PPP, Fip is overvalue 解析根据购买力平价理论,为了抵消Fap中较高的通货膨胀的影响,Fip应该对其他货币贬值大约是Fap通货膨胀与其他国家之间的差额。根据购买力平价理论,Fip被高估了。

2023-05-24 22:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012102000011 问题如下 Fis a small country whose currenis the Fip. Three years ago, the exchange rate wconsireto reflecting purchasing power parity (PPP). Sinthen, the country’s inflation hexceeinflation in the other countries about 5% per annum. The Fip exchange rate, however, remainebroay unchange Whwoulyou have expectethe Fip exchange rate to show if PPP prevaile Are Fips over or unrvalue accorng to PPP? Accorng to PPP, to offset the effeof the higher inflation in Fap, the Fip shoulhave preciateagainst the other currencies approximately the fferenbetween Finflation anthin the other countries. Accorng to PPP, Fip is overvalue 解析根据购买力平价理论,为了抵消Fap中较高的通货膨胀的影响,Fip应该对其他货币贬值大约是Fap通货膨胀与其他国家之间的差额。根据购买力平价理论,Fip被高估了。 the Fip exchange rate will preciate unr purchasing power parity e to its higher inflationFips are overvalueaccorng PPP

2023-05-10 22:38 1 · 回答