- The total committed capital of a PE fund is $100 million, at the end of the most recent year, cumulative paid-in capital was $90 million, cumulative distributions paid out to LPs were $30 million
- At the end of the most recent year, the year-end NAV, before and after distributions, was $160 million and $130 million, respectively.
- The estimated NAV before distributions will be $250 million at the end of next year.
- Carried interest rate is 20%.
A.$18 million.
B.$21 million.
C.$24 million.
A is correct.
解析:判断是否给GP发绩效奖,首先要看NAV before distribution 是否超过了committed capital。根据题目条件,NAV before distribution $250 million是超过了committed capital $100 million的,所以可以给GP发绩效奖。
绩效奖的计算= NAV before distribution的增加值*carried interest = ($250 - $160)*20% = $18 million.
总结来看就是:第一次NAV before distirbution > committed capital的时候,和committed capital做差;以后NAV before distirbution > committed capital就是用NAV before distribution的增加值。
为什么用NAV before distribution而不是after distribution计算奖金呢?分红之后GP实际上是将130M的资金增值到了250M,难道不该分24M吗?否则GP还不如不分红,拿分红的30M买个债券第二年自己的奖金还高一点。