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小猫批脸 · 2021年07月17日

这道题是想问什么啊? 怎么没有看懂。



Judith Yoo is a financial sector analyst writing an industry report.

Part of Yoo’s analysis focuses on Company XYZ, a global commercial bank, and its CAMELS rating, risk management practices, and performance.

Yoo notes the following supplementary information from Company XYZ’s annual report:

■ Competition in the commercial loan space has become increasingly fierce, leading XYZ managers to pursue higher- risk strategies to increase market share.

■ The net benefit plan obligation has steadily decreased during the last three years.

■ Company XYZ awards above- average equity- based compensation to its top managers.

Which of the following supplemental factors is consistent with a favorable assessment of Company XYZ’s financial outlook?



Competitive environment


Net benefit plan obligation


Equity- based compensation policy


B is correct.

The net benefit plan obligation has steadily decreased during the last three years, which indicates a lower degree of risk posed by the benefit plan.


1 个答案

纠纠_品职答疑助手 · 2021年07月19日



第一条:Competition in the commercial loan space has become increasingly fierce, leading XYZ managers to pursue higher- risk strategies to increase market share.竞争环境日益激烈,导致公司经理需要追求更高的风险的战略去扩大份额。因此A 不对

第二条:The net benefit plan obligation has steadily decreased during the last three years.养老金负债稳步下降,说明公司的义务减轻,财务风险变小。

第三条:Company XYZ awards above- average equity- based compensation to its top managers.是说公司给了高层高于平均的股权激励政策。因此也是给公司增加财务负担的,所以也是不对的。


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NO.PZ2020021601000020问题如下Juth Yoo is a financisector analyst writing instry report. Part of Yoo’s analysis focuses on Company XYZ, a globcommercibank, anits CAMELS rating, risk management practices, anperformance. Yoo notes the following supplementary information from Company XYZ’s annureport:■ Competition in the commercilospahbecome increasingly fierce, leang XYZ managers to pursue higher- risk strategies to increase market share.■ The net benefit plobligation hstealy creasering the last three years.■ Company XYZ awar above- average equity- basecompensation to its top managers.Whiof the following supplementfactors is consistent with a favorable assessment of Company XYZ’s financioutlook? A.Competitive environment B.Net benefit plobligation C.Equity- basecompensation policyB is correct.The net benefit plobligation hstealy creasering the last three years, whiincates a lower gree of risk posethe benefit plan. 想问一下b为什么不能说pbo的降低短期来看是降低了负债,但长期来看随着员工工龄的增加pbo总体还是会上升的,pbo的短期下降对于公司盈利的帮助是不可持续的。而c通过股份将员工的利益与公司捆绑在一起,有利于员工长期为公司做出贡献。而且通过股份来奖励短期内不会增加现金的流出,至于未来要不要通过回购股份降低稀释作用那是以后的事。唯一值得说道的是高于评论是否合适,但也可以为“重赏之下必有勇夫”。不太理解这个“正面”的评价的含义。

2024-04-27 15:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020021601000020 这个考点是波特五力? 如果是跟c有啥关系? 推理能推出来,但不知道知识点是哪个

2021-11-24 11:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020021601000020 Net benefit plobligation Equity- basecompensation poli B is correct. The net benefit plobligation hstealy creasering the last three years, whiincates a lower gree of risk posethe benefit plan. 老师,B C没看懂麻烦下

2021-02-15 18:56 1 · 回答