王琛_品职助教 · 2021年07月18日
1)为什么不能选A?涨15%卖,跌25%才卖有点像loss aversion啊。并且也不理解C选项是什么意思
loss aversion, 也就是prospect theory 的 value function,loss 的部分比 gain 的部分更陡。因此,当给投资者带来相同 value 的时候,应该是 gain > loss,而不是 gain (|15%|) < loss (|-25%|)
如下图,当 y 轴上相同都是 |c| 的时候,gain 在 x 轴上对应的 |a| 要比 loss 对应的 |b| 更大
原版书的表述是 "Experimental evidence shows that most people reject a gamble with even chances to win and lose, unless the amount of the possible win is at least twice the amount of the possible loss."
也请参考 Tversky, Amos, and Daniel Kahneman. 1992. “Advances in prospect theory: Cumulative representation of uncertainty. ” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, vol. 5, no. 4: 297–323.
"The adjustments of mixed prospects to acceptability (problems 1-4) indicate that, for even chances to win and lose, a prospect will only be acceptable if the gain is at least twice as large as the loss."
王琛_品职助教 · 2021年07月19日
明白了前景理论的loss aversion 请问怎么理解选项C?
这道题我认为出的不是特别好,题干问的是 most likely,所以用排除法,选项 B 比较好排除,主要是难在排除选项 A
这道题我认为价值就在于,帮我们更好的理解了 prospect theory 和 loss aversion
这道课后题,大家其实问的很多,我个人建议不用纠结选项 C 啦,将关注点放在为何排除 A 即可,因为并不是每道题都出的天衣无缝,也不是每道题我们都要刨根问底,只要能把题目能带给我们最大的价值发挥出来即可。这道题只要能辨析出为何不选 A,就已经达到它的最大价值了
如果非要纠结选项 C,我个人认为根据原版书的解析 "The client sells and holds a stock not because of the stock’s potential, but rather from a fear of the stock declining in value and gains dissipating and an aversion to realizing losses."
对应的是 behavioral portfolio theory 投资组合构建的第五个主要因素,请参考原版书 P39 倒数第二段的倒数第三句
"Further, the portfolios of investors reluctant to realize losses may continue to hold some securities not because of the securities’ potential, but rather because of the investor’s aversion to realize losses."