开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


PaisleyPPx · 2021年07月04日




Alan Chin, the chief executive officer of Thunder Corporation, has asked his chief financial officer, Constance Ebinosa, to prepare a valuation of Thunder for the purpose of selling the company to a private investment partnership. Thunder has been in business for 15 years and is privately owned by the original shareholders, none of whom are employed by the company. The company’s senior management has been in charge of the company’s operations for most of the past 15 years and expects to remain in that capacity after any sale . Chin asks Ebinosa whether there will be differences in the process of valuing a private company like Thunder compared with a public company. Ebinosa replies that differences do exist and mentions several factors an analyst must consider. The least likely factor that would be a source of differences in valuing Thunder compared with valuing a publicly traded company is:



access to public debt markets


agency problems


the size of the company


B is correct. The size of Thunder and its probable lack of access to public debt markets are potential factors affecting the valuation of Thunder compared with a public company. Given that the separation of ownership and control at Thunder is similar to that at public companies, however, agency problems are not a distinguishing factor in its valuation.

老师 还是不理解为什么非上市公司应该是没有代理问题的啊?而且为什么C选项不对?

1 个答案

韩韩_品职助教 · 2021年07月04日



这个题目中,关于委托代理问题请注意题目中的描述“ Thunder has been in business for 15 years and is privately owned by the original shareholders, none of whom are employed by the company”,此处题目很巧妙的告诉我们,这个公司虽然是一个非上市公司,但是他是所有权和经营权完全分离的,股东都没在公司任职,由专门的管理层经营,所以他是存在委托代理问题的。

