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猫猫酱 · 2021年07月03日

behavioral bias


例如:CME里的framing bias和R7和R8里的framing bias三个全不同

CME里的availability bias和R8里的availability bias相差特别大

还有R7里的mental accounting和R8的mental accounting也完全不同


1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2021年07月05日




如果协会要在主观题考查偏差,我的个人偏见是只会在行为金融学科考查。所以如果要为了准备主观题,而去背诵偏差的定义,我建议直接按照行为金融学科 R8 中写的偏差定义准备即可

CME 或者 AA 学科,同学只要能在客观题中识别出偏差即可,比如课后题

CME 学科:R10 Capital Market Expectations, Part 1: Framework and Macro Considerations 课后题的第 1 题

AA 学科:R14 Asset Allocation with Real-World Constraints 课后题的第 5 和 11 题

个人 IPS 学科,虽然有一道课后题 (主观题),考查了偏差,但是我的个人偏见还是,如果协会要在主观题中考查偏差,就是在行为金融科目中

个人 IPS 学科:R31 Concentrated Single-Asset Positions 课后题的第 4 题。备注:R31 中涉及到偏差的知识点是 S3 general principles of managing concentrated single-asset positions 中的 Psychological Considerations。这个知识点在 2022 的考纲中已经删除了,我觉得协会可能是希望尽量将考查偏差的主观题部分,都放在行为金融学科中考查

2)CME里的framing bias和R7和R8里的framing bias三个全不同

CME 学科中,并没有提到 framing bias

行为金融学科中,R7 和 R8 对 framing bias 定义的描述,我理解只是措辞不同,本质都是相同的。同学不用纠结,直接按 R8 的定义准备即可

R7 的定义,参考原版书 P37 "Framing bias results in different responses based on how questions are asked (framed)."

R8 的定义,参考原版书 P69 "Framing bias is an information-processing bias in which a person answers a question differently based on the way in which it is asked (framed)."

3)CME里的availability bias和R8里的availability bias相差特别大

我个人理解相差不大,都涉及「容易回忆」: " easy to recall" & "easily the outcome comes to mind"

同学把握了行为金融学科中的定义,做 CME 学科的课后题,是可以选对的

CME 学科的定义,参考原版书 P114 "Availability bias is the tendency to be overly influenced by events that have left a strong impression and/or for which it is easy to recall an example."

行为金融学科的定义,参考原版书 P23 "Availability bias is an information-processing bias in which people take a heuristic approach to estimating the probability of an outcome based on how easily the outcome comes to mind."

4)还有R7里的mental accounting和R8的mental accounting也完全不同

行为金融学科中,R7 和 R8 对 mental accounting bias 定义的描述,我理解只是措辞不同,本质都是相同的。同学不用纠结,直接按 R8 的定义准备即可

R7 的定义,参考原版书 P37 "Mental accounting is the phenomenon whereby people treat one sum of money differently from another sum of money even though money is fungible (interchangeable)."

R8 的定义,参考原版书 P68 "Mental accounting bias is an information-processing bias in which people treat one sum of money differently from another equal- sized sum based on which mental account the money is assigned to."


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