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Falcon · 2021年06月21日

为甚upward shift 还能抵消



Doug Kepler, the newly hired chief financial officer for the City of Radford, asks the deputy financial manager, Hui Ng, to prepare an analysis of the current investment portfolio and the city’s current and future obligations. The city has multiple liabilities of different amounts and maturities relating to the pension fund, infrastructure repairs, and various other obligations.

Ng observes that the current fixed-income portfolio is structured to match the duration of each liability. Previously, this structure caused the city to access a line of credit for temporary mismatches resulting from changes in the term structure of interest rates.

Kepler asks Ng for different strategies to manage the interest rate risk of the city’s fixed-income investment portfolio against one-time shifts in the yield curve. Ng considers two different strategies:

Strategy 1: Immunization of the single liabilities using zero-coupon bonds held to maturity

Strategy 2: Immunization of the single liabilities using coupon-bearing bonds while continuously matching duration.

An upward shift in the yield curve on Strategy 2 will most likely result in the:



price effect cancelling the coupon reinvestment effect.


price effect being greater than the coupon reinvestment effect.


coupon reinvestment effect being greater than the price effect.


A is correct.

An upward shift in the yield curve reduces the bond’s value but increases the reinvestment rate, with these two effects offsetting one another. The price effect and the coupon reinvestment effect cancel each other in the case of an upward shift in the yield curve for an immunized liability.

1.parallel 能够免疫, 可这道题是 upward shift,非平行移动, 怎么就认为 Price risk 与 Coupon reinvestment risk 能互相抵消?

2.upward shift 导致长期的利率变更大,Duration也大;短期的利率变大的不多,Duration也小,这分析不出 price effect 和 coupon reinvestment effect 哪个更大吗?

1 个答案

pzqa015 · 2021年06月22日


1、parallel 能够免疫, 可这道题是 upward shift,非平行移动, 怎么就认为 Price risk 与 Coupon reinvestment risk 能互相抵消?



你说的没错,免疫策略只能应对收益率曲线的parallel shift,本题是upward shift,无法断定是否是parallel shift。

但请同学注意,本题问的是price effect与coupon reinvestment effect的相互抵消情况,而不是△asset与△liab相互抵消(免疫),这两者是有区别的。

price effect与coupon reinvestment effect考察收益率变动(不限定是否平行移动)对△asset的影响:

如果price effect>coupon reinvestment effect,利率上升,asset value减少(△asset<0),利率下降,asset value增加(△asset>0)。

如果price effect<coupon reinvestment effect,利率上升,asset value增加(△asset>0),利率下降,asset value减少(△asset<0)。

如果price effect=coupon reinvestment effect,那么不论利率如何变动,asset value不变(△asset=0)。

price effect与coupon reinvestment effect只有用coupon bear bond做single liability免疫时才会存在,用0息债做single liability时不存在这两个effect。

回到本题,本题想考察的是:如果执行策略2(用coupon bear bond cover single liability),那么这个coupon bear bond在收益率曲线向上移动时的price effect与coupon reinvestment effect相互抵消的情况。

我们做免疫是为了让△asset=△liab,既然single liability不会受收益率曲线变动的影响,那么我们就应该让asset也不受收益率曲线变动的影响,所以,只有在price effect=coupon reinvestment effect时,asset value不受收益率曲线变动的影响,所以这道题要选择A。

2、upward shift 导致长期的利率变更大,Duration也大;短期的利率变大的不多,Duration也小,这分析不出 price effect 和 coupon reinvestment effect 哪个更大吗?


同学你好,duration只能用来分析price effect,无法分析出coupon reinvestment effect。所以根据长短期duration不同,无法判断price effect与coupon reinvestment effect。
