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moon · 2021年06月19日




Discuss three potential double taxation conflicts in which two countries claim to have taxing authority over the same income or assets.



The interaction of countries’ taxation jurisdictions can create tax conflicts in which Country A and B can claim to have authority to tax the same investment properties. This conflict can arise in three ways:

Residence  residence conflict: If he were a resident of both countries, Country A and B would both claim residence of Mr. Lloyd, subjecting his worldwide income to taxation by both countries.

Source  source conflict: Both Country A and B may claim source jurisdiction of the same investment properties as income from the investments that are in Country A, but managed from Country B.

Residence  source conflict: Because Lloyd lives in Country B, but has investment properties in Country A, he may be subject to a combination of two taxation jurisdictions. As a resident of Country B he could be taxed on worldwide income; and if Country A exercises source jurisdiction on his assets, he will be taxed on these as well. In this case, the source country (Country A) is commonly viewed to have primary jurisdiction to tax income within its borders and the residence country (Country B) is expected to provide double taxation relief.

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1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2021年06月20日




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NO.PZ2018091705000051 scuss three potentiuble taxation conflicts in whitwo countries claim to have taxing authority over the same income or assets. The interaction of countries’ taxation jurisctions ccreate tconflicts in whiCountry A anB cclaim to have authority to tthe same investment properties. This conflicarise in three ways: Resin– resinconflict: If he were a resint of both countries, Country A anB woulboth claim resinof Mr. Lloy subjecting his worli income to taxation both countries. Sour– sourconflict: Both Country A anB mclaim sourjurisction of the same investment properties income from the investments thare in Country but managefrom Country Resin– sourconflict: Because Lloylives in Country but hinvestment properties in Country he msubjeto a combination of two taxation jurisctions. a resint of Country B he coultaxeon worli income; anif Country A exercises sourjurisction on his assets, he will taxeon these well. In this case, the sourcountry (Country is commonly vieweto have primary jurisction to tincome within its borrs anthe resincountry (Country is expecteto provi uble taxation relief. 老师您好,请问这是框架里的Cret metho exemption methoction metho三种方法吗?谢谢!

2021-11-13 12:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000051 scuss three potentiuble taxation conflicts in whitwo countries claim to have taxing authority over the same income or assets. The interaction of countries’ taxation jurisctions ccreate tconflicts in whiCountry A anB cclaim to have authority to tthe same investment properties. This conflicarise in three ways: Resin– resinconflict: If he were a resint of both countries, Country A anB woulboth claim resinof Mr. Lloy subjecting his worli income to taxation both countries. Sour– sourconflict: Both Country A anB mclaim sourjurisction of the same investment properties income from the investments thare in Country but managefrom Country Resin– sourconflict: Because Lloylives in Country but hinvestment properties in Country he msubjeto a combination of two taxation jurisctions. a resint of Country B he coultaxeon worli income; anif Country A exercises sourjurisction on his assets, he will taxeon these well. In this case, the sourcountry (Country is commonly vieweto have primary jurisction to tincome within its borrs anthe resincountry (Country is expecteto provi uble taxation relief. 请问这道题如果考ESSAY题,要怎么写能简单且得分呢?我自己有点绕,请老师给个参考,谢谢!

2021-03-06 17:51 1 · 回答

scuss three potentiuble taxation conflicts in whitwo countries claim to have taxing authority over the same income or assets. The interaction of countries’ taxation jurisctions ccreate tconflicts in whiCountry A anB cclaim to have authority to tthe same investment properties. This conflicarise in three ways: Resin– resinconflict: If he were a resint of both countries, Country A anB woulboth claim resinof Mr. Lloy subjecting his worli income to taxation both countries. Sour– sourconflict: Both Country A anB mclaim sourjurisction of the same investment properties income from the investments thare in Country but managefrom Country Resin– sourconflict: Because Lloylives in Country but hinvestment properties in Country he msubjeto a combination of two taxation jurisctions. a resint of Country B he coultaxeon worli income; anif Country A exercises sourjurisction on his assets, he will taxeon these well. In this case, the sourcountry (Country is commonly vieweto have primary jurisction to tincome within its borrs anthe resincountry (Country is expecteto provi uble taxation relief. 老师这三种是对应的啥知识点?

2021-01-13 16:58 2 · 回答

scuss three potentiuble taxation conflicts in whitwo countries claim to have taxing authority over the same income or assets. The interaction of countries’ taxation jurisctions ccreate tconflicts in whiCountry A anB cclaim to have authority to tthe same investment properties. This conflicarise in three ways: Resin– resinconflict: If he were a resint of both countries, Country A anB woulboth claim resinof Mr. Lloy subjecting his worli income to taxation both countries. Sour– sourconflict: Both Country A anB mclaim sourjurisction of the same investment properties income from the investments thare in Country but managefrom Country Resin– sourconflict: Because Lloylives in Country but hinvestment properties in Country he msubjeto a combination of two taxation jurisctions. a resint of Country B he coultaxeon worli income; anif Country A exercises sourjurisction on his assets, he will taxeon these well. In this case, the sourcountry (Country is commonly vieweto have primary jurisction to tincome within its borrs anthe resincountry (Country is expecteto provi uble taxation relief. 请问答案最后一句话provi uble taxation relief是什么意思呢?

2020-10-12 20:39 1 · 回答