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丁洁Amy · 2021年06月14日


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7. Under Scenario 1, the intrinsic value per share of the equity of Amersheen is closest to:









As the multistage residual income model results in an intrinsic value of R16.31.

This variation of the multistage residual income model, in which residual income fades over time, is:

where  is the persistence factor.

The first step is to calculate residual income per share for years 2012 2015:

ROE = earnings / book value

Growth rate = ROE × retention rate

Retention rate = 1  (dividends/earnings)

Book valuet= book valuet 1 + earningst 1  dividendst 1

Residual income per share = EPS  equity charge per share

Equity charge per share = book value per sharet× cost of equity

Using the residual income per share for 2015 of R1.608, the second step is to calculate the present value of the terminal value:

PV of Terminal Value =


Then, intrinsic value per share is:





3 个答案

追风少年_ 品职助教 · 2021年08月30日




追风少年_ 品职助教 · 2021年06月21日


不是哒同学,这道题也算single stage,因为题目中说,从2015年开始,persistence factor=0.7,也就是g=-0.3这个速度下降,那么我们就能用公式RI/(1+r-ω)这个来算出2015年初或者2014年末的PV,然后和每一期的RI往前折现就行啦


追风少年_ 品职助教 · 2021年06月16日




丁洁Amy · 2021年06月17日

是的老师不好意思,我公式写错了,您说的对,是“RI2015=(ROE-Re)*BV2014”,可是这个公式(RI1=NI-re*B0)不是在single stage下才能用的吗?也可以用在多阶段模型下吗?

米妮涵 · 2021年08月20日


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NO.PZ201512300100001207问题如下7. Unr Scenario 1, the intrinsic value per share of the equity of Amersheen is closest to:A.R13.29.B.R15.57.C.R16.31.the multistage resiincome mol results in intrinsic value of R16.31.This variation of the multistage resiincome mol, in whiresiincome fas over time, is: where is the persistenfactor.The first step is to calculate resiincome per share for years 2012 2015:ROE = earnings / book valueGrowth rate = ROE × retention rateRetention rate = 1 (vin/earnings)Book valuet= book valuet 1 + earningst 1 vint 1Resiincome per share = EPS equity charge per shareEquity charge per share = book value per sharet× cost of equityUsing the resiincome per share for 2015 of R1.608, the seconstep is to calculate the present value of the terminvalue:PV of TerminValue =R1.6081+0.10-0.70(1.10)3=R3.0203Then, intrinsic value per share is:V0=R7.60+R2.52(1.10)+R2.31(1.10)2+R1.98(1.10)3+R3.0203=R16.31老师帮忙看一下这样做有什么问题

2024-08-07 07:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512300100001207问题如下7. Unr Scenario 1, the intrinsic value per share of the equity of Amersheen is closest to:A.R13.29.B.R15.57.C.R16.31.the multistage resiincome mol results in intrinsic value of R16.31.This variation of the multistage resiincome mol, in whiresiincome fas over time, is: where is the persistenfactor.The first step is to calculate resiincome per share for years 2012 2015:ROE = earnings / book valueGrowth rate = ROE × retention rateRetention rate = 1 (vin/earnings)Book valuet= book valuet 1 + earningst 1 vint 1Resiincome per share = EPS equity charge per shareEquity charge per share = book value per sharet× cost of equityUsing the resiincome per share for 2015 of R1.608, the seconstep is to calculate the present value of the terminvalue:PV of TerminValue =R1.6081+0.10-0.70(1.10)3=R3.0203Then, intrinsic value per share is:V0=R7.60+R2.52(1.10)+R2.31(1.10)2+R1.98(1.10)3+R3.0203=R16.31如图为什么不能这么算

2024-07-13 16:06 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512300100001207 问题如下 7. Unr Scenario 1, the intrinsic value per share of the equity of Amersheen is closest to: A.R13.29. B.R15.57. C.R16.31. the multistage resiincome mol results in intrinsic value of R16.31.This variation of the multistage resiincome mol, in whiresiincome fas over time, is: where is the persistenfactor.The first step is to calculate resiincome per share for years 2012 2015:ROE = earnings / book valueGrowth rate = ROE × retention rateRetention rate = 1 (vin/earnings)Book valuet= book valuet 1 + earningst 1 vint 1Resiincome per share = EPS equity charge per shareEquity charge per share = book value per sharet× cost of equityUsing the resiincome per share for 2015 of R1.608, the seconstep is to calculate the present value of the terminvalue:PV of TerminValue =R1.6081+0.10-0.70(1.10)3=R3.0203Then, intrinsic value per share is:V0=R7.60+R2.52(1.10)+R2.31(1.10)2+R1.98(1.10)3+R3.0203=R16.31 1. T不是应该代表进入到第二段时间的时间吗?这道题的T难道不应该是2015吗?跟2016又有什么关系呀?2.我理解的是,下面黑色打印的这个公式T-1对应的就是2014年,用RI 2015计算对应2014年年底的PVRI然后折3年回去(也就是老师的红字部分),这个没问题。但是老师的解析我看写的“如果要使用李老师的公式,则需要向后推导一年,计算出RI2016以后才可以使用,并且折现的PVRI就会落在2015年年末,需要和2015年的RI=1.608一起折现4年到0时刻,就可以获得和本题一样的答案了”。这跟2016年有什么关系呢?如果2016年的话,不应该是RI(T+1)吗?既然是红色公式再向后一期推导出来的

2024-04-01 22:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512300100001207 问题如下 7. Unr Scenario 1, the intrinsic value per share of the equity of Amersheen is closest to: A.R13.29. B.R15.57. C.R16.31. the multistage resiincome mol results in intrinsic value of R16.31.This variation of the multistage resiincome mol, in whiresiincome fas over time, is: where is the persistenfactor.The first step is to calculate resiincome per share for years 2012 2015:ROE = earnings / book valueGrowth rate = ROE × retention rateRetention rate = 1 (vin/earnings)Book valuet= book valuet 1 + earningst 1 vint 1Resiincome per share = EPS equity charge per shareEquity charge per share = book value per sharet× cost of equityUsing the resiincome per share for 2015 of R1.608, the seconstep is to calculate the present value of the terminvalue:PV of TerminValue =R1.6081+0.10-0.70(1.10)3=R3.0203Then, intrinsic value per share is:V0=R7.60+R2.52(1.10)+R2.31(1.10)2+R1.98(1.10)3+R3.0203=R16.31 RI 2015 = 1.608可以理解,但是PVRI 2015 还是没看懂

2024-03-31 11:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512300100001207 问题如下 7. Unr Scenario 1, the intrinsic value per share of the equity of Amersheen is closest to: A.R13.29. B.R15.57. C.R16.31. the multistage resiincome mol results in intrinsic value of R16.31.This variation of the multistage resiincome mol, in whiresiincome fas over time, is: where is the persistenfactor.The first step is to calculate resiincome per share for years 2012 2015:ROE = earnings / book valueGrowth rate = ROE × retention rateRetention rate = 1 (vin/earnings)Book valuet= book valuet 1 + earningst 1 vint 1Resiincome per share = EPS equity charge per shareEquity charge per share = book value per sharet× cost of equityUsing the resiincome per share for 2015 of R1.608, the seconstep is to calculate the present value of the terminvalue:PV of TerminValue =R1.6081+0.10-0.70(1.10)3=R3.0203Then, intrinsic value per share is:V0=R7.60+R2.52(1.10)+R2.31(1.10)2+R1.98(1.10)3+R3.0203=R16.31 老师,这个公式没有看懂

2024-03-24 10:40 1 · 回答