王琛_品职助教 · 2021年06月07日
请参考原版书 P203 "The degree of share ownership alone may not necessarily reflect whether the control of a company is dispersed or concentrated. This is true because controlling shareholders may be either majority shareholders (i.e., own more than 50% of a corporation’s shares) or minority shareholders (i.e., own less than 50% of shares)."
控股股东的本质,是要能对公司实施控制 "the ability to exercise control over the corporation"
但是如何才算实施控制,并不是二级公司理财科目的内容;咱们在二级财务中也只是简单提了一下判断的标准,但其也不是二级财务科目的重点。如果题目要考查 acquisition method,都会在题目直接告诉我们是控制,"have control over",不需要我们根据具体的标准去判断
请参考二级财务原版书 P27:控制权的概念需要对相关因素进行判断和评估,以确定是否存在控制权。当 1)投资者有能力对该实体的财务和经营政策施加影响;以及 2)从其对被投资方的参与中获得可变回报,或拥有这种权利时,控制权就存在
"The control concept requires judgment and evaluation of relevant factors to determine whether control exists. Control is present when 1) the investor has the ability to exert influence on the financial and operating policy of the entity; and 2) is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee."
在 CPA 的会计科目中,这个知识点才是重点哈,咱们在 CFA 二级考试中,并不需要判断控制的标准