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杨舒芃 · 2021年05月28日




Which of the following statement is most appropriate if it is under the U.S. GAAP?



The interest paid on loans to finance construction of a long-lived asset should be recognized as an expenditure.


The normal R&D costs should be recognized as an expenditure.


The investment property's construction cost should be capitalized.


B is correct.

R&D costs are expensed under U.S. GAAP.

Interest on loans that specifically fund construction of long-lived assets must be capitalized under U.S. GAAP.

Under the U.S. GAAP, there is no investment property.


1 个答案

纠纠_品职答疑助手 · 2021年05月29日




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NO.PZ2016012102000193 问题如下 Whiof the following statement is most appropriate if it is unr the U.S. GAAP? A.The interest paion loans to financonstruction of a long-liveasset shoulrecognizeexpenture. B.The normR costs shoulrecognizeexpenture. C.The investment property's construction cost shoulcapitalize B is correct.R costs are expenseunr U.S. GAAP.Interest on loans thspecifically funconstruction of long-liveassets must capitalizeunr U.S. GAAP.Unr the U.S. GAAP, there is no investment property.考点 US GAAP下的会计处理 USGAAP下1. 研发费用费用化。2. 专门为建造长期资产, 发生的贷款利息必须资本化。会计科目中,不存在投资性财产。 CThe investment property's construction,投资性房地产,2024年考纲删除了吧?

2023-12-28 09:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000193 问题如下 Whiof the following statement is most appropriate if it is unr the U.S. GAAP? A.The interest paion loans to financonstruction of a long-liveasset shoulrecognizeexpenture. B.The normR costs shoulrecognizeexpenture. C.The investment property's construction cost shoulcapitalize B is correct.R costs are expenseunr U.S. GAAP.Interest on loans thspecifically funconstruction of long-liveassets must capitalizeunr U.S. GAAP.Unr the U.S. GAAP, there is no investment property.考点 US GAAP下的会计处理 USGAAP下1. 研发费用费用化。2. 专门为建造长期资产, 发生的贷款利息必须资本化。会计科目中,不存在投资性财产。 对应讲义的哪页?找了半天都没找到

2023-04-27 15:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000193问题如下 Whiof the following statement is most appropriate if it is unr the U.S. GAAP?A.The interest paion loans to financonstruction of a long-liveasset shoulrecognizeexpenture.B.The normR costs shoulrecognizeexpenture.C.The investment property's construction cost shoulcapitalize B is correct.R costs are expenseunr U.S. GAAP.Interest on loans thspecifically funconstruction of long-liveassets must capitalizeunr U.S. GAAP.Unr the U.S. GAAP, there is no investment property.考点 US GAAP下的会计处理 USGAAP下1. 研发费用费用化。2. 专门为建造长期资产, 发生的贷款利息必须资本化。会计科目中,不存在投资性财产。 这为什么要用expenture而不是expense呢?

2023-02-19 09:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000193 问题如下 Whiof the following statement is most appropriate if it is unr the U.S. GAAP? A.The interest paion loans to financonstruction of a long-liveasset shoulrecognizeexpenture. B.The normR costs shoulrecognizeexpenture. C.The investment property's construction cost shoulcapitalize B is correct.R costs are expenseunr U.S. GAAP.Interest on loans thspecifically funconstruction of long-liveassets must capitalizeunr U.S. GAAP.Unr the U.S. GAAP, there is no investment property.考点 US GAAP下的会计处理 USGAAP下1. 研发费用费用化。2. 专门为建造长期资产, 发生的贷款利息必须资本化。会计科目中,不存在投资性财产。 b不是说的费用化吗

2023-02-02 07:46 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000193 问题如下 Whiof the following statement is most appropriate if it is unr the U.S. GAAP? A.The interest paion loans to financonstruction of a long-liveasset shoulrecognizeexpenture. B.The normR costs shoulrecognizeexpenture. C.The investment property's construction cost shoulcapitalize B is correct.R costs are expenseunr U.S. GAAP.Interest on loans thspecifically funconstruction of long-liveassets must capitalizeunr U.S. GAAP.Unr the U.S. GAAP, there is no investment property.考点 US GAAP下的会计处理 USGAAP下1. 研发费用费用化。2. 专门为建造长期资产, 发生的贷款利息必须资本化。会计科目中,不存在投资性财产。 R cost是什么

2022-09-22 23:52 2 · 回答