预期int rate和inflation difference是stable的,所以长期看汇率应该是stable的,但是短期美元要升值,所以短期做空美元,是这个逻辑吗?
答案里75%hedge ratio这个点是咋来的呢?
Hertz_品职助教 · 2021年05月24日
(1)看一下题干:“His investment policy statement (IPS) allows for flexibility in managing currency risk. Overall returns can be enhanced by capturing opportunities between the US dollar and the Indian rupee (INR) within a range of plus or minus 25% from the neutral position using forward contracts on the currency pair.”
(2)关于利率和通胀率的信息并没有用,有用的信息是:C&M’s currency team strongly believes the US dollar will appreciate relative to the Indian rupee.
即预计美元会升值,我们持有美元资产,升值对我们有利,所以可以不完全hedge。又因为hedge的范围只能在在75%到125%之间,因此选择75%的hedge,即under hedge。