6. Based on Exhibit 1, which portfolio best meets the Laws’ education goal for their children?
A.Portfolio 1
B.Portfolio 2
C.Portfolio 3
A is correct.
Portfolio 1 best meets the Laws’ education goal for their children. The estimated present value of the Laws’ expected education expense is $275,000. Given that the children will be starting college soon, and the Laws have a very strong desire to achieve this goal, Portfolio 1, which stresses liquidity and stability, is most appropriate to meet the Laws’ short-term education goal.
考点:goal-based approach
解析:Law的子女教育资金需求,有两处关键词,一处在正文第一段“soon begin college”,一处在第三段,“very strong desire to fund”,所以教育费用重点考虑的就是流动性和可靠性,流动性最强的是现金,比较可靠的投资产品是fixed income,所以A选项最合适。
financial asset资产总共是800000,学费275000,portfolio 3中10%cash+30%bond已经够覆盖学费支出,为何要选portfolio 1这么高的cash+bond比例