The “portability” of past performance is a complex and sometimes contentious subject. Performance from a past firm or affiliation may be linked to the performance of the new or acquiring firm if the new or acquiring firm meets certain requirements. The requirements, which apply on a composite-specific basis, are that (1) substantially all the investment decision makers are employed by the new or acquiring firm, (2)the decision-making process remains substantially intact and independent within the new or acquiring firm, (3) the new or acquiring firm has records that document and support the reported performance, and (4) there must be no break in the track record between the past firm or affiliation and the new or acquiring firm.
(1) substantially all the investment decision makers are employed by the new or acquiring firm--第一条是说跟投资决策有关的所有人都必须被新公司雇佣,是这个意思吧?可是看图1里我标红框的那段,这个人做的投资决策流程收到研究部们和trading desk的支持呢,那就是说这两拨人也属于投资决策makers的一部分吗,他们也要一起被新公司雇佣才可以?可是题目里没说他们也一起跳槽过去啊那就不符合业绩迁移标准吧
(3) the new or acquiring firm has records that document and support the reported performance, --这个第3条到底是什么意思?