Li, a junior analyst in a wealth management firm, is discussing the considerations in bottom-up approach with his client. Li made the following statements:
Statement 1: Subordinated debt offers lower credit spread than senior debt.
Statement 2: Callable debt has a larger Z-Spread than comparable non-callable debt.
Statement 3: When a new corporate bond issued, the issuer’s existing bonds often decline in value, and their spreads widen.
According to the information above, which of the following is correct?
A.statement 1 and statement 2 are correct.
B.statement 1 and statement 3 are correct.
C.statement 2 and statement 3 are correct.
C is correct.
解析:三个Statements中Statement 1是错误的,因为Subordinated debt的Credit spread比senior debt要高。
对于Statement 2,Callable bond的Z-spread要大于可比不含权债券的Z-spread。这是因为Z-spread是一个“All in” Spread,能够反映债券投资的所有风险,相比Comparable non-callable bond的投资者,Callable bond的投资者还需要额外承担债券被提前赎回的风险,即Embedded call option带来的风险,因此,相比Comparable non-callable bond,Callable bond的Z-spread多出一块对Option风险补偿,使得:Callable bond Z-spread > Comparable non-callable bond Z-spread
对于statement 3是正确的,有以下解释,为了使得新债顺利发行出去,发行人会在价格上给与一定的"折扣",因此Spread变大;更多的债务,意味着发行人信用质量的下降,因此投资者的要求回报率更高,spread上升。债券的供给增加,使得价格下降,对应spread上升。
请问 statement 2哪里错了?