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polyu666 · 2021年05月01日




Lee, a junior analyst, works in the derivatives research division of an international securities firm. Lee’s supervisor, John, asks him to conduct an analysis of various option trading strategies relating to shares of W&M co..

Lee considers constructing a synthetic long forward position on W&MZ's stock. Implementing the strategy would require him to :



long call on W&M.


long put on W&M.

C.short stock of W&M.


A is correct.

To construct a synthetic long forward position, Lee would buy a call option on W&M. Of course, he would also need to short a put option with identical strike price and expiration to complete the synthetic long forward position.

short stock +long stock也能搞出个forward来。。。stock和forward图形上就是一回事。。。

这考forward合成 c-p只给个call。。。。。也是没看懂

2 个答案

Hertz_品职助教 · 2021年05月01日



(1)题目问的是合成一个long forward头寸,我们知道合成long forward 头寸,需要long call + short put,并且call 和put的行权价和到期时间应该相同。答案解析就表达了这个意思,“To construct a synthetic long forward position, Lee would buy a call option on W&M. Of course, he would also need to short a put option with identical strike price and expiration to complete the synthetic long forward position.”所以看一下选项,只有A是可以选的,虽然他给的头寸不全,还应该加上short put。

(2)long stock的图像和long forward的图像是相像的,这是因为forward是一种线性的衍生品,他的payoff和stock现货一样呈现线性变化的。所以从收益特征来讲,我们没有必要用stock来合成forward.另外你说到的short stock + long stock在stock相同的情况下,二者就抵消了,相当于买了卖了,手里是什么都没有的哈。

但是option的收益不是线性的,比方说call 的图形,我们知道他不是线性的,所以当我们持有option时,就可以合成一种线性收益的头寸,于是就有了用option合成forward。


polyu666 · 2021年05月02日

A给的头寸都不全。。为啥选。。long call 显然不能合成 forward。。要是这都行的话。。那就所有题目都没法选了。。C只要stock long short exposure不一致,就能剩下个净头寸,同forward。

Hertz_品职助教 · 2021年05月02日



A选项的确是没有给全信息的哈,答案解析了也说了这个问题。但我们也可以理解为他就是想考察在合成forward的时候,对于使用的call 和put是怎样的头寸,这个角度出发还是可以理解出题意图的。

合成long forward头寸需要long call 和short put,所以B选项中说对put是long的头寸,所以是不对的哈。C选项,首先我们是不能用stock合成forward的哈,原因在上面已经解释,我们是不能单纯的从图形上来看是否可以合成一个与forward推向类似的图的,还要考虑合成是否有意义。

然后题目选项设计的是不大好,考点就是long forward=long call + short put,掌握考点为主。


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NO.PZ2018113001000054 问题如下 Lee, a junior analyst, works in the rivatives researvision of internationsecurities firm. Lee’s supervisor, John, asks him to conanalysis of various option trang strategies relating to shares of W M co.. Lee consirs constructing a synthetic long forwarposition on W MZ's stock. Implementing the strategy woulrequire him to : A.long call on W M. B.long put on W M. C.short stoof W M. A is correct.To construa synthetic long forwarposition, Lee woulbuy a call option on W M. Of course, he woulalso neeto short a put option with inticstrike prianexpiration to complete the synthetic long forwarposition. 中文解析本题考察的是用期权合成一个forwar寸。合成一个long forwar头寸,需要long call同时short一个相同执行价格和到期日的put。 仅仅从考试角度可不可以这么理解呢?另外该知识点的考点除了公式变化还有什么呢?

2024-06-06 23:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000054 问题如下 Lee, a junior analyst, works in the rivatives researvision of internationsecurities firm. Lee’s supervisor, John, asks him to conanalysis of various option trang strategies relating to shares of W M co.. Lee consirs constructing a synthetic long forwarposition on W MZ's stock. Implementing the strategy woulrequire him to : A.long call on W M. B.long put on W M. C.short stoof W M. A is correct.To construa synthetic long forwarposition, Lee woulbuy a call option on W M. Of course, he woulalso neeto short a put option with inticstrike prianexpiration to complete the synthetic long forwarposition. 中文解析本题考察的是用期权合成一个forwar寸。合成一个long forwar头寸,需要long call同时short一个相同执行价格和到期日的put。 我想问一下,从put call parity 的角度考虑 PS = CK, 根据答案C-P可以复制forwar话,那是不是forwar就相当于是S-K, 文字意义就是借钱买股票?

2024-01-31 17:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018113001000054 long put on W&M. short stoof W&M. A is correct. To construa synthetic long forwarposition, Lee woulbuy a call option on W&M. Of course, he woulalso neeto short a put option with inticstrike prianexpiration to complete the synthetic long forwarposition. 中文解析 本题考察的是用期权合成一个forwar寸。 合成一个long forwar头寸,需要long call同时short一个相同执行价格和到期日的put。 为了合成long soforwor 应该不能单单单 long call 还要 short put 为何a单单 long call也ok答案怪怪的。。。

2022-02-12 17:46 3 · 回答

为什么long stock不可以?

2020-11-24 23:05 1 · 回答