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小一一 · 2021年05月01日

reset day 为什么是t=0时刻呢



A bank entered into a swap with two years to maturity as a floating rate payer. The fixed rate is 4%, with annal payments. The notional priciple is $5,000,000. The spot interest rates are as follows: one year, 3.5%; two years, 4.5%. Today is the reset day, the current value of the swap is closest to:











B is correct.



支浮动的一方可以看作一个浮动利率债券,浮动利率债券在reset day 价值回归面值。


Bfix  =0.04e0.035+1.04e0.045×2=0.989113B_{fix}\;=0.04e^{-0.035}+1.04e^{-0.045\times2}\\=0.989113


t=0时刻刚刚进入合约,那reset day 只可能是一年后呀所以折现应该只折一年呀,为什么折两年

1 个答案

小刘_品职助教 · 2021年05月01日


理解你的意思。这道题表述得稍微有点不那么精确,从第一句话来看,A bank entered into a swap with two years to maturity as a floating rate payer.这句话理解为银行之前就已经进入了一份swap合约(他的合约期限从题目来说没有交代清楚),只是剩余期限是2年,今天恰恰好是一个reset day,所以可以按照这种方法来计算current value。

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NO.PZ2019052801000049 问题如下 A bank entereinto a swwith two years to maturity a floating rate payer. The fixerate is 4%, with annpayments. The notionpriciple is $5,000,000. The spot interest rates are follows: one year, 3.5%; two years, 4.5%. Toy is the reset y, the current value of the sw is closest to: A.$54,437. B.$-54,437. C.-$30,125. $30,125. B is correct.考点利率互换估值.解析支浮动的一方可以看作一个浮动利率债券,浮动利率债券在reset y 价值回归面值。收固定的一方可以看作一个固定利率债券,Bfix  =0.04e−0.035+1.04e−0.045×2=0.989113B_{fix}\;=0.04e^{-0.035}+1.04e^{-0.045\times2}\\=0.989113Bfix​=0.04e−0.035+1.04e−0.045×2=0.989113lV=(0.989113−1)×5,000,000=−54,437{l}\\V=(0.989113-1)\times5,000,000=-54,437lV=(0.989113−1)×5,000,000=−54,437 比如,本题是floating payer,最终是用计算出的fix现金流的现值-面值1,为什么不是用1-fix现值呢,谢谢

2024-09-08 12:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019052801000049问题如下A bank entereinto a swwith two years to maturity a floating rate payer. The fixerate is 4%, with annpayments. The notionpriciple is $5,000,000. The spot interest rates are follows: one year, 3.5%; two years, 4.5%. Toy is the reset y, the current value of the sw is closest to:A.$54,437.B.$-54,437.C.-$30,125.$30,125. B is correct.考点利率互换估值.解析支浮动的一方可以看作一个浮动利率债券,浮动利率债券在reset y 价值回归面值。收固定的一方可以看作一个固定利率债券,Bfix  =0.04e−0.035+1.04e−0.045×2=0.989113B_{fix}\;=0.04e^{-0.035}+1.04e^{-0.045\times2}\\=0.989113Bfix​=0.04e−0.035+1.04e−0.045×2=0.989113lV=(0.989113−1)×5,000,000=−54,437{l}\\V=(0.989113-1)\times5,000,000=-54,437lV=(0.989113−1)×5,000,000=−54,437 老师,题目里的“Toy is the reset y”是什么意思啊?

2024-07-03 22:35 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2019052801000049 问题如下 A bank entereinto a swwith two years to maturity a floating rate payer. The fixerate is 4%, with annpayments. The notionpriciple is $5,000,000. The spot interest rates are follows: one year, 3.5%; two years, 4.5%. Toy is the reset y, the current value of the sw is closest to: A.$54,437. B.$-54,437. C.-$30,125. $30,125. B is correct.考点利率互换估值.解析支浮动的一方可以看作一个浮动利率债券,浮动利率债券在reset y 价值回归面值。收固定的一方可以看作一个固定利率债券,Bfix  =0.04e−0.035+1.04e−0.045×2=0.989113B_{fix}\;=0.04e^{-0.035}+1.04e^{-0.045\times2}\\=0.989113Bfix​=0.04e−0.035+1.04e−0.045×2=0.989113lV=(0.989113−1)×5,000,000=−54,437{l}\\V=(0.989113-1)\times5,000,000=-54,437lV=(0.989113−1)×5,000,000=−54,437 如题

2024-03-17 19:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019052801000049 问题如下 A bank entereinto a swwith two years to maturity a floating rate payer. The fixerate is 4%, with annpayments. The notionpriciple is $5,000,000. The spot interest rates are follows: one year, 3.5%; two years, 4.5%. Toy is the reset y, the current value of the sw is closest to: A.$54,437. B.$-54,437. C.-$30,125. $30,125. B is correct.考点利率互换估值.解析支浮动的一方可以看作一个浮动利率债券,浮动利率债券在reset y 价值回归面值。收固定的一方可以看作一个固定利率债券,Bfix  =0.04e−0.035+1.04e−0.045×2=0.989113B_{fix}\;=0.04e^{-0.035}+1.04e^{-0.045\times2}\\=0.989113Bfix​=0.04e−0.035+1.04e−0.045×2=0.989113lV=(0.989113−1)×5,000,000=−54,437{l}\\V=(0.989113-1)\times5,000,000=-54,437lV=(0.989113−1)×5,000,000=−54,437

2024-03-10 00:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019052801000049问题如下A bank entereinto a swwith two years to maturity a floating rate payer. The fixerate is 4%, with annpayments. The notionpriciple is $5,000,000. The spot interest rates are follows: one year, 3.5%; two years, 4.5%. Toy is the reset y, the current value of the sw is closest to:A.$54,437.B.$-54,437.C.-$30,125.$30,125. B is correct.考点利率互换估值.解析支浮动的一方可以看作一个浮动利率债券,浮动利率债券在reset y 价值回归面值。收固定的一方可以看作一个固定利率债券,Bfix  =0.04e−0.035+1.04e−0.045×2=0.989113B_{fix}\;=0.04e^{-0.035}+1.04e^{-0.045\times2}\\=0.989113Bfix​=0.04e−0.035+1.04e−0.045×2=0.989113lV=(0.989113−1)×5,000,000=−54,437{l}\\V=(0.989113-1)\times5,000,000=-54,437lV=(0.989113−1)×5,000,000=−54,437 题目中说浮动用的是payer,固定用的是payment,那到底哪个是付出,哪个是收到怎么区分?

2023-07-25 21:36 2 · 回答