开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


· 2021年04月30日

何老师在Comprehensive Income这一节中说,如板书所示,用于trading的放在面子(I/S)上,那不是与avalible for sale属于OCI这一点矛盾了吗?求解



Foreign currency translation gains                  4

Unrealized loss on available-for-sale securities        2

Unrealized loss on held-to-maturity securities         1

Actuarial gains                                  2

From the above date, other comprehensive income will be:









C is correct. Other comprehensive income includes foreign currency translation gains or losses, actuarial gains or losses, unrealized gains or losses on available-for-sale securities, unrealized loss from cash flow hedging derivatives. OCI=4-2+2=4. It has nothing to do with unrealized loss on held-to-maturity securities.

1 个答案

纠纠_品职答疑助手 · 2021年05月02日


Trading security 没有实现的损益放在I/S里面

Available for Sale 没有实现的损益放在OCI里面


和这道题目应该也不矛盾,这里算的时候是把Available for Sale 没有实现的损益 2 放在OCI里面。


  • 1

  • 0

  • 468


NO.PZ2018062018000022问题如下 Foreign currentranslation gains 4Unrealizeloss on available-for-sale securities 2Unrealizeloss on helto-maturity securities 1Actuarigains 2From the above te, other comprehensive income will be:A.5B.3C.4C is correct. Other comprehensive income inclus foreign currentranslation gains or losses, actuarigains or losses, unrealizegains or losses on available-for-sale securities, unrealizeloss from cash flow heing rivatives. OCI=4-2+2=4. It hnothing to with unrealizeloss on helto-maturity securities.4—2+2是什么意思为什么会有-2

2023-09-18 11:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062018000022 问题如下 Foreign currentranslation gains 4Unrealizeloss on available-for-sale securities 2Unrealizeloss on helto-maturity securities 1Actuarigains 2From the above te, other comprehensive income will be: A.5 B.3 C.4 C is correct. Other comprehensive income inclus foreign currentranslation gains or losses, actuarigains or losses, unrealizegains or losses on available-for-sale securities, unrealizeloss from cash flow heing rivatives. OCI=4-2+2=4. It hnothing to with unrealizeloss on helto-maturity securities. 如题

2023-03-03 07:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062018000022 问题如下 Foreign currentranslation gains 4Unrealizeloss on available-for-sale securities 2Unrealizeloss on helto-maturity securities 1Actuarigains 2From the above te, other comprehensive income will be: A.5 B.3 C.4 C is correct. Other comprehensive income inclus foreign currentranslation gains or losses, actuarigains or losses, unrealizegains or losses on available-for-sale securities, unrealizeloss from cash flow heing rivatives. OCI=4-2+2=4. It hnothing to with unrealizeloss on helto-maturity securities. Actuarigains为什么算?

2023-01-26 15:52 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062018000022 问题如下 Foreign currentranslation gains 4Unrealizeloss on available-for-sale securities 2Unrealizeloss on helto-maturity securities 1Actuarigains 2From the above te, other comprehensive income will be: A.5 B.3 C.4 C is correct. Other comprehensive income inclus foreign currentranslation gains or losses, actuarigains or losses, unrealizegains or losses on available-for-sale securities, unrealizeloss from cash flow heing rivatives. OCI=4-2+2=4. It hnothing to with unrealizeloss on helto-maturity securities. 如题,请教老师!谢谢!

2022-09-15 17:18 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062018000022 3 4 C is correct. Other comprehensive income inclus foreign currentranslation gains or losses, actuarigains or losses, unrealizegains or losses on available-for-sale securities, unrealizeloss from cash flow heing rivatives. OCI=4-2+2=4. It hnothing to with unrealizeloss on helto-maturity securities. AFS的gain才记入OCI啊!为啥LOSS也记入OCI呢?

2022-03-05 14:59 1 · 回答