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一只可爱的猪 · 2021年04月25日


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1.Which of Busse’s conclusions regarding the exchange rate time series is consistent with both the properties of a covariance-stationary time series and the properties of a random walk?



Conclusion 1


Conclusion 2


Conclusion 3


C is correct. A random walk can be described by the equation xt = b0 + b1xt1+ εt, where b0 = 0 and b1 = 1. So b0 = 0 is a characteristic of a random walk time series. A covariance-stationary series must satisfy the following three requirements:

1. The expected value of the time series must be constant and finite in all periods.

2. The variance of the time series must be constant and finite in all periods.

3. The covariance of the time series with itself for a fixed number of periods in the past or future must be constant and finite in all periods.

b0 = 0 does not violate any of these three requirements and is thus consistent with the properties of a covariance-stationary time series.


1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2021年04月26日


这道题问的是这三个结论中,哪个结论和random walk,covariance stationary都不矛盾。

conclusion 1:方差一直随时间在变化,所以和covariance stationary矛盾了

conslusion 2:不存在均值回归,所以还是和covariance stationary矛盾了

conclusion 3:b0可以为0。只有这一条和random walk,covariance stationary都不矛盾。

random walk和covariance stationary看的都是b1,而b0是什么无所谓。如果random walk序列的b0=0,就是random walk without a drift。covariance stationary序列对b0也没有要求。所以选择这一个conclusion,即C选项。

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NO.PZ201709270100000501 问题如下 1.Whiof Busse’s conclusions regarng the exchange rate time series is consistent with both the properties of a covariance-stationary time series anthe properties of a ranm walk? A.Conclusion 1 B.Conclusion 2 C.Conclusion 3 C is correct. A ranm walk cscribethe equation xt = + b1xt–1+ εt, where = 0 an= 1. So = 0 is a characteristic of a ranm walk time series. A covariance-stationary series must satisfy the following three requirements:1. The expectevalue of the time series must constant anfinite in all perio.2. The varianof the time series must constant anfinite in all perio.3. The covarianof the time series with itself for a fixenumber of perio in the past or future must constant anfinite in all perio.= 0 es not violate any of these three requirements anis thus consistent with the properties of a covariance-stationary time series. 不违反ranm walk的性质 但是ranm walk性质就是b=0啊

2024-08-25 11:24 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201709270100000501问题如下1.Whiof Busse’s conclusions regarng the exchange rate time series is consistent with both the properties of a covariance-stationary time series anthe properties of a ranm walk? A.Conclusion 1B.Conclusion 2C.Conclusion 3C is correct. A ranm walk cscribethe equation xt = + b1xt–1+ εt, where = 0 an= 1. So = 0 is a characteristic of a ranm walk time series. A covariance-stationary series must satisfy the following three requirements:1. The expectevalue of the time series must constant anfinite in all perio.2. The varianof the time series must constant anfinite in all perio.3. The covarianof the time series with itself for a fixenumber of perio in the past or future must constant anfinite in all perio.= 0 es not violate any of these three requirements anis thus consistent with the properties of a covariance-stationary time series. 请问covariance-stationary和ranm walk是对立关系吗?

2023-10-19 22:14 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201709270100000501 老师,提问区其他的提问跟这个问题不符。另外,可以一下B为啥不对吗?C不是答案刚开始就说不正确吗,并没有说with ift啊

2022-01-29 15:42 1 · 回答

Conclusion 2 Conclusion 3 C is correct. A ranm walk cscribethe equation xt = + b1xt–1+ εt, where = 0 an= 1. So = 0 is a characteristic of a ranm walk time series. A covariance-stationary series must satisfy the following three requirements: 1. The expectevalue of the time series must constant anfinite in all perio. 2. The varianof the time series must constant anfinite in all perio. 3. The covarianof the time series with itself for a fixenumber of perio in the past or future must constant anfinite in all perio. = 0 es not violate any of these three requirements anis thus consistent with the properties of a covariance-stationary time series. 看了前面人问的问题,有一点想确认下,ranm walk是不是包含ranm walk with a ift?如果不是,那ranm walk和simple ranm walk就是一回事?

2020-12-08 21:11 1 · 回答