Nanta and Olivia are considering purchase an annuity product and therefore they asks investment manager for recommendations. Nanta tells their investment manager that they would like the annuity payout that continues as long as either Nanta or Olivia is living, and offer a diversified menu of potential investment options. Based on the Nanta’ preferences, which annuity payout method should their investment manager recommend?
A. Life annuity with refund
B. Joint life annuity
C. Life annuity with period certain
B is correct.
考点: Annuity
解析: Joint life annuity最能实现Nanta夫妇的目标,即只要他们中的任何一个人还活着,他们就能得到年金赔偿。根据Joint life annuity的规定,两个或两个以上的个人,如丈夫和妻子,在所有受益人死亡之前都可以得到补偿。
老师好!想问问这里后面说的with diversify option是指些什么类型的anunity,这里肯定是选joint 没问题。就是后面这个,annuity还有什么分散化需求么?fixed 和 variable各买一份的意思?