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每天都想出坑的铁头娃 · 2021年04月23日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018091705000088 [ CFA III ]


Nanta and Olivia are considering purchase an annuity product and therefore they asks investment manager for recommendations. Nanta tells their investment manager that they would like the annuity payout that continues as long as either Nanta or Olivia is living, and offer a diversified menu of potential investment options. Based on the Nanta’ preferences, which annuity payout method should their investment manager recommend?



Life annuity with refund


Joint life annuity


Life annuity with period certain


B is correct.

考点: Annuity

解析 Joint life annuity最能实现Nanta夫妇的目标即只要他们中的任何一个人还活着他们就能得到年金赔偿根据Joint life annuity的规定两个或两个以上的个人如丈夫和妻子在所有受益人死亡之前都可以得到补偿

老师好!想问问这里后面说的with diversify option是指些什么类型的anunity,这里肯定是选joint 没问题。就是后面这个,annuity还有什么分散化需求么?fixed 和 variable各买一份的意思?
1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2021年04月24日

一般来说,有diversify option的是deferred variable annuity可以提供的。因为deferred variable annuity通常因为付年金的时间较晚,由于保额不固定,保险公司有时间给投资者提供投资选项。


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NO.PZ2018091705000088问题如下Nanta anOlivia are consiring purchase annuity proantherefore they asks investment manager for recommentions. Nanta tells their investment manager ththey woullike the annuity payout thcontinues long either Nanta or Olivia is living, anoffer a versifiemenu of potentiinvestment options. Baseon the Nantpreferences, whiannuity payout methoshoultheir investment manager recommenA.Life annuity with refunB.Joint life annuityC.Life annuity with periocertainB is correct. 考点: Annuity解析 Joint life annuity最能实现Nanta夫妇的目标,即只要他们中的任何一个人还活着,他们就能得到年金赔偿。根据Joint life annuity的规定,两个或两个以上的个人,如丈夫和妻子,在所有受益人死亡之前都可以得到补偿。个人IPS经典题mole5的“risk management for invials”中的第6题,statement 3的最后一句话“but it woulreceby………”是什么意思?是不是说他等待买年金的时间越长,income yiel越小的意思。如果是这个意思的话,这句话不是错了吗。等待买年金的时间越长,pmt拿到手的时间越短,也就是n越短,yiel应该越大才对呀,不理解

2024-07-13 15:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000088 问题如下 Nanta anOlivia are consiring purchase annuity proantherefore they asks investment manager for recommentions. Nanta tells their investment manager ththey woullike the annuity payout thcontinues long either Nanta or Olivia is living, anoffer a versifiemenu of potentiinvestment options. Baseon the Nantpreferences, whiannuity payout methoshoultheir investment manager recommen A.Life annuity with refun B.Joint life annuity C.Life annuity with periocertain B is correct. 考点: Annuity解析 Joint life annuity最能实现Nanta夫妇的目标,即只要他们中的任何一个人还活着,他们就能得到年金赔偿。根据Joint life annuity的规定,两个或两个以上的个人,如丈夫和妻子,在所有受益人死亡之前都可以得到补偿。 选择joint annuity 没有疑问但是后面紧跟了第二个目标anoffer a versifiemenu of potentiinvestment options. 所以我选择了A,如果有refun妻俩是不是就可以未来拿钱再去做潜在的其他投资,虽然也不完全匹配。所以想请问老师如果理解这句话

2024-04-20 11:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000088 这个补偿指啥?没看懂

2021-11-14 01:31 1 · 回答

A里面的with refun是什么意思啊

2019-04-12 09:38 1 · 回答