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Lily · 2021年04月04日




Initially, Fund ABC held active positions in two realestate stocks—one was overweight by 1 %, and the other was underweight by 1%. Fund ABC traded back to benchmark weights on those two stocks. Then, ABC selected two different stocks that were held at benchmark weights, one automobile stock and one technology stock. ABC over-weighted the automobile stock by 1% and underweighted the technology stock by 1%. What was the effect of ABC’s two trades on its active risk? ABC’s active risk:





remained unchanged.




C is correct.

考点:Active Share and Active Risk



1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2021年04月05日


我们做主动投资目的就是投资和大盘不同的股票,以此获得超额收益。那么组合持有的股票和大盘的股票差别越大,主动风险就越高。组合和benchmark 的差别除了体现在权重上就是体现在相关性上,打个比方,benchmark里持有的是万科,组合如果持有的是金地,虽然公司不同但都是房地产股票。如果benchmark里持有的是万科,而组合持有的是云南白药,这完全是两个行业的股票。对比这两种情况,肯定是第一种情况,组合更像基准,组合里的股票与基准里的股票相关性越大,主动风险越小。而组合的股票与基准的股票相关性越小,主动风险就越大。只有越不像基准,才能更加体现出基金经理的“主动性”,越像基准那就是被动投资。


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NO.PZ2019012201000035 问题如下 Initially, FunAhelactive positions in two reestate stocks—one woverweight 1 %, anthe other wunrweight 1%. FunAtrabato benchmark weights on those two stocks. Then, Aselectetwo fferent stocks thwere helbenchmark weights, one automobile stoanone technology stock. Aover-weightethe automobile sto1% anunrweightethe technology sto1%. Whwthe effeof ABC’s two tras on its active risk? ABC’s active risk: crease remaineunchange increase C is correct. 考点:Active Share anActive Risk 解析:主动风险受股票之间相关性的影响。不同行业的两只股票的相关性低于同一行业两只股票的相关性。因此,新头寸(汽车/科技股)的相关性低于初始头寸(房地产/房地产)的相关性。两只股票的相关性较低,两只股票头寸对主动风险的贡献就越大。 老师,我的逻辑是这样,请帮忙看下哪步错了,为什么?谢谢portfolio中由2个房地产股票换成两个不同行业股票,portfolio分散化增加,所以portfolio与benchmark更像→portfolio与benchmark的相关性越大→active risk越小

2024-08-14 15:13 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000035 问题如下 Initially, FunAhelactive positions in two reestate stocks—one woverweight 1 %, anthe other wunrweight 1%. FunAtrabato benchmark weights on those two stocks. Then, Aselectetwo fferent stocks thwere helbenchmark weights, one automobile stoanone technology stock. Aover-weightethe automobile sto1% anunrweightethe technology sto1%. Whwthe effeof ABC’s two tras on its active risk? ABC’s active risk: crease remaineunchange increase C is correct. 考点:Active Share anActive Risk 解析:主动风险受股票之间相关性的影响。不同行业的两只股票的相关性低于同一行业两只股票的相关性。因此,新头寸(汽车/科技股)的相关性低于初始头寸(房地产/房地产)的相关性。两只股票的相关性较低,两只股票头寸对主动风险的贡献就越大。 老师好,分散化增高,和benchmark相关性降低,active risk增高,那在这种情况下,active risk并不是一件坏事(像risk一样)对吗?

2024-08-04 00:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000035问题如下 Initially, FunAhelactive positions in two reestate stocks—one woverweight 1 %, anthe other wunrweight 1%. FunAtrabato benchmark weights on those two stocks. Then, Aselectetwo fferent stocks thwere helbenchmark weights, one automobile stoanone technology stock. Aover-weightethe automobile sto1% anunrweightethe technology sto1%. Whwthe effeof ABC’s two tras on its active risk? ABC’s active risk: crease remaineunchange increase C is correct. 考点:Active Share anActive Risk 解析:主动风险受股票之间相关性的影响。不同行业的两只股票的相关性低于同一行业两只股票的相关性。因此,新头寸(汽车/科技股)的相关性低于初始头寸(房地产/房地产)的相关性。两只股票的相关性较低,两只股票头寸对主动风险的贡献就越大。 老师,这两道题看着好像是一样的(也有可能是我看错了),但是答案完全不一样,麻烦老师分别一下,感谢

2024-06-08 14:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000035问题如下 Initially, FunAhelactive positions in two reestate stocks—one woverweight 1 %, anthe other wunrweight 1%. FunAtrabato benchmark weights on those two stocks. Then, Aselectetwo fferent stocks thwere helbenchmark weights, one automobile stoanone technology stock. Aover-weightethe automobile sto1% anunrweightethe technology sto1%. Whwthe effeof ABC’s two tras on its active risk? ABC’s active risk: crease remaineunchange increase C is correct. 考点:Active Share anActive Risk 解析:主动风险受股票之间相关性的影响。不同行业的两只股票的相关性低于同一行业两只股票的相关性。因此,新头寸(汽车/科技股)的相关性低于初始头寸(房地产/房地产)的相关性。两只股票的相关性较低,两只股票头寸对主动风险的贡献就越大。 可以描述一下Active Xshare的变化吗?

2023-12-19 21:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019012201000035 remaineunchange increase C is correct. 考点Active Share anActive Risk 解析主动风险受股票之间相关性的影响。不同行业的两只股票的相关性低于同一行业两只股票的相关性。因此,新头寸(汽车/科技股)的相关性低于初始头寸(房地产/房地产)的相关性。两只股票的相关性较低,两只股票头寸对主动风险的贡献就越大。 老师,我理解这四只股票在benchmark和portforlio里都有,也就是说B和P的差异只在于股票的权重不同,那active risk和所选这两只股票的相关性大小有什么关系呢?李老师举的例子里万科/金地,万科/云南白药是分属于B和P的,他们的相关性会影响到B和P收益率的相关性,跟这道题是不一样的。所以我觉得这道题应该选unchange麻烦老师解惑

2023-05-24 10:19 3 · 回答