Which of following situation least describes a situation of search frictions?
A.It is difficult to find someone to understand/purchase a complicated structured credit product.
B.It is difficult to find buyers with sufficient capital to purchase multimillion dollar office towers in major metropolitan areas.
C.Only certain types of investors with sufficient capital, expertise,and experience can transact.
D.Asymmetric information can be a type of search friction.
C is correct.
考点:search friction
解析:search friction指的是我们很难找到交易对手方由于我们的产品过于复杂懂得人很少,或者我们买的东西很贵一下子很难找到能负担起那么大费用的买家。信息不对称也会是一种seach friction因为由于信息不对成我们我们只能去寻找一些非掠夺性的交易对手。所以A、B、D都是关于search friction的。
C的说法不是关于search friction,C说的是clientele effects。
1.Only certain types of investors with sufficient capital, expertise,and experience can transact.感觉C说的也没毛病啊,确实就是因为只有特定的这几种情况,才能交易,所以有search friction,而D信息不对称,在讲义中和Search friction是作为同级的分类出现,不是应该定性不同吗?
2.如果硬着说sufficient capital, expertise,and experience也有可能can't transact,那我也可以说信息不对称的情况依旧有可能存在直接接触到掠夺性交易对手的可能啊。因为都不是绝对的。