开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


我们 · 2021年03月25日




A major benefit of securitization for a financial institution is the ability to remove assets from the balance sheet, which lowers risk and the required regulatory capital. While a large portion of the risk is removed from the balance sheet the originating financial institution often maintains a portion of the risk. -Which of the following terms best identify the risk that is maintained by the originator?





Excess spread.


First-loss piece.


Guarantor of collateral value.


C The originator often maintains ownership of the first-loss piece, which is the class of assets with the lowest credit quality and is the most junior level where losses are first absorbed in the event of a default.


1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2021年03月27日


题目是说有些金融机构通过spv把一些资产(比如一些风险比较高的资产)转到表外,使资产负债表变得好看,但实际上这些资产的风险还是它自己承担的。题目就是问这些资产的风险依旧被金融机构承担的表现是什么,答案就是资产证券化中有时equity层或equity层的一部分,会被机构自留。因为equity层遇到风险时会被首先拿去挡子弹,所以这个被我们称为first-loss piece。


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NO.PZ2016082405000091 A major benefit of securitization for a financiinstitution is the ability to remove assets from the balansheet, whilowers risk anthe requireregulatory capital. While a large portion of the risk is removefrom the balansheet the originating financiinstitution often maintains a portion of the risk. -Whiof the following terms best intify the risk this maintainethe originator? Correlation. Excess sprea First-loss piece. Guarantor of collatervalue. C The originator often maintains ownership of the first-loss piece, whiis the class of assets with the lowest cret quality anis the most junior level where losses are first absorbein the event of a fault. 因为感觉ρ和系统性风险有关,如果ρ出问题,也会导致发行人破产吧?

2021-03-14 14:05 1 · 回答

A major benefit of securitization for a financiinstitution is the ability to remove assets from the balansheet, whilowers risk anthe requireregulatory capital. While a large portion of the risk is removefrom the balansheet the originating financiinstitution often maintains a portion of the risk. -Whiof the following terms best intify the risk this maintainethe originator? Correlation. Excess sprea First-loss piece. Guarantor of collatervalue. C The originator often maintains ownership of the first-loss piece, whiis the class of assets with the lowest cret quality anis the most junior level where losses are first absorbein the event of a fault. 请问这个对应哪个知识点?未在讲义中找到相关

2020-10-08 11:40 1 · 回答

A major benefit of securitization for a financiinstitution is the ability to remove assets from the balansheet, whilowers risk anthe requireregulatory capital. While a large portion of the risk is removefrom the balansheet the originating financiinstitution often maintains a portion of the risk. -Whiof the following terms best intify the risk this maintainethe originator? Correlation. Excess sprea First-loss piece. Guarantor of collatervalue. C The originator often maintains ownership of the first-loss piece, whiis the class of assets with the lowest cret quality anis the most junior level where losses are first absorbein the event of a fault. 麻烦问下我理解的哪里不对银行的风险资产被打包成了资产证券化产品卖给了投资人,银行只收取了利差,当贷款人(资产证券化标的资产)违约时,投资者承担风险,银行不承担,所以这部分资产才得以出表。银行也就是originator为什么会承担equity的风险呀?

2020-02-27 23:24 1 · 回答


2018-05-15 21:49 1 · 回答