经典题,BFMI中有一个例子说客户“invest only in what you know”请问这个不算是conservatism吗?maintain their prior views by inadequent incorporate new information。请问怎么区分?什么样算是典型的conservatism bias呢?
王琛_品职助教 · 2021年03月26日
> BFMI中有一个例子说客户“invest only in what you know”请问这个不算是conservatism吗?
- 不是哈,亲你说的是经典题 P10 的 1.1 题吧
- 在 B 问中已经 identify two cognitive biases,分别是 mental accounting 和 illusion of control
- 在 B 问的题干中有交代:Stoffer 的投资组合中涉及银行的股票,关键是这家银行就是她所工作的银行呀,题干说了她是这家银行的中层经理,她也遵守她爸的建议 "只投你懂的东西",所以她认为自己在这家银行工作,很懂这家公司,所以对股价有更多的控制感
- 你也可以再看一下原版书 P65 "Consequences of Illusion of Control" 的第二段,我把关键词也放在下面,可以参考一下
- "Researchers have found that some investors prefer to invest in companies that they may feel they have some control over, like the companies they work for, leading them to hold concentrated positions. In fact, most investors have almost no control over the companies they work for."
> maintain their prior views by inadequent incorporate new information。请问怎么区分?什么样算是典型的conservatism bias呢?
- 亲你的理解没问题哈,conservatism bias 的完整定义是 "people maintain their prior views or forecasts by inadequately incorporating new information",重点是后半句 "inadequately incorporating new information"
- 关于 conservatism bias,经典题中有两道题涉及,分别是 P16 的 1.6 题,和 P23 的 1.16 题
- 这两道题的题干,都有提到 base information 和 new information,建议亲可以把题干放到一起综合对比一下,感觉一下协会认为的新信息是指什么哈