Bern Zang is the chief investment officer of the Janson University Endowment Investment Office. The Janson University Endowment Fund (the “Fund”) is based in the United States and has current assets under management of $10 billion, with minimal exposure to alternative investments. Zang currently seeks to increase the Fund’s allocation to hedge funds and considers four strategies: dedicated short bias, merger arbitrage, convertible bond arbitrage, and global macro.
At a meeting with the Fund’s board of directors, the board mandates Zang to invest only in event-driven and relative value hedge fund strategies.
Determine, if Dedicated short bias is permitted given the board’s mandate. Justify your response.
A dedicated short bias hedge fund strategy is not permitted to invest.
A dedicated short bias hedge fund strategy is an example of an equity hedge fund strategy, not an event-driven or relative value strategy. Equity hedge fund strategies focus primarily on the equity markets, and the majority of their risk profiles contain equity-oriented risk. Dedicated short bias managers look for possible short selling targets among companies that are overvalued, that are experiencing declining revenues and/or earnings, or that have internal management conflicts, weak corporate governance, or even potential accounting frauds.
如果课后题是简答题,老师说IPS只需要写三句话 那其他科目的写作题也可以这样写吗 此外,如果写作题的回答都是大段大段的英文,要全部都看一眼,还是说要怎么样比较好。 最后,我有一个疑问,遇到这样的题目 我要如何回答,方便回复一个考试能够拿分的答案吗 谢谢 不然 每次都只是看过去 虽然也思考过 然后就翻篇了。觉得效果不佳。