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fe1fei · 2021年03月24日

Hedging into GBP would add only 0.175% for any of the portfolios. Hedging into USD would reduce expected return for any of the portfolios because the pick up on the hedge (+0.625%) is less than the expected depreciation (–1.0%) of the USD against the Euro and GBP.

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If Winslow is allowed to hedge into any of the currencies, she can obtain the highest expected returns by



buying the Greek 5-year in each portfolio and hedging it into Pesos.


buying the Greek 5-year in each portfolio and hedging it into USD.


buying the Mexican 5-year in each portfolio and not hedging the currency.


A is correct.

As shown in the previous question, the Greek bond is the most attractive. Although the Peso is expected to depreciate by 2% against the EUR and the GBP and by 1% against the USD, this is less than the benefit of hedging EUR into MXN (+3.475%). The net currency component of the expected return is +1.475% = (3.475% – 2.0%) for the EUR and GBP portfolios and +2.475% = (3.475% – 1.0%) for the USD-denominated portfolio. Hedging into GBP would add only 0.175% for any of the portfolios. Hedging into USD would reduce expected return for any of the portfolios because the pick up on the hedge (+0.625%) is less than the expected depreciation (–1.0%) of the USD against the Euro and GBP.

B is incorrect. Hedging the Euro-denominated Greek bond into USD would reduce expected return for any of the portfolios because the pick on the hedge (+0.625%) is less than the expected depreciation of the USD against the Euro and GBP.

C is incorrect. As shown above, the Greek bond is more attractive than the Mexican bond.


我的理解MXN depreciate 2% to EUR, USD dep 1% to EUR, GBP=EUR

那如果mxn to usd是3.475%-1% = 2.475%, gbp to usd不是应该是0.175%+1%吗?为什么之前的答案也是减去的。还有0.625%是怎么来的?

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2021年03月25日


Hedging into GBP would add only 0.175% for any of the portfolios. Hedging into USD would reduce expected return for any of the portfolios because the pick up on the hedge (+0.625%) is less than the expected depreciation (–1.0%) of the USD against the Euro and GBP. 这句话没看懂,所以也没懂为什么b不可以


1、第一步,把所有的国外债券,Hedge成一个Common currency,这么做的目的是为了统一标准,选出来一个收益最大的债券进行投资。

2、第二步,给我们的Portfolio买入了第一步中选出来的债券。例如,给UK-Portfolio里买入了Greek bond,但是现在有一个问题,就是UK Portfolio的计价本位币是GBP,而Greek bond产生的收益是EUR,所以第二步就是转换收益的问题。换汇有2种途径:

  1. 期初签订Forward,锁定EUR/GBP的换汇汇率,期末用Forward约定的汇率换汇
  2. 期末直接用预期的即期汇率换汇,将EUR换成GBP


注意,以上是只允许Hedge成Base currency or unhedge;

由于投资的是EUR债券,Portfolio base currency是GBP,Hedge成Base currency就是签入EUR/GBP的换汇合约;


当题目说:Hedge into base currency or unhedge,思考路径如以上分析,对应的题目是Winslow case这道题的,如下:

那现在提问里的这道题,是更进一步了,题目允许是:hedge into any of the currencies,也就是我们可以签入任意货币的Forward合约,不限定为EUR/GBP合约。

那显然,哪个Forward带来的收益最高,我们就Hedge成哪种货币。以GBP Portfolio为例:

根据Covered interest rate parity,利用图中6个月的利率,我们发现,将EUR债券收益hedge成MXN,这个Forward给Portfolio带来的收益最高,为:

MXN 6个月利率 - EUR6个月利率 = (7.10%-0.15%)/2 = 3.475%

对于GBP portfolio来讲,经过上面一步的Hedge,我们将EUR的债券投资收益Hedge成了MXN,赚取收益:+3.475%;

但是毕竟咱们还是GBP Portfolio,最终核算需要用GBP。所以再用期末的即期汇率,将MXN换回GBP,收益为:-2%(因为题干有说MXN相对EUR贬值2%,EUR与GBP维持稳定,则MXN相对GBP贬值2%)。

经过这么操作,跟GBP Portfolio带来的净收益为:3.475%-2% = 1.475%

显然,经过这么操作,给咱们GBP Portfolio额外带来了1.475%的收益。

所以Hedge into any currency,实际上是额外利用Forward合约,赚取外汇的收益,他可以分为两步:

第一步:利用Forward合约,将债券收益Hedge成其他任意货币,哪个Forward合约带来的收益高,就Hedge成哪个货币,例如用Forward hedge的收益为A;


那么,对于我们这个Portfolio来说,经过以上操作hedge into any currency给组合带来的净收益为:A + B

那这样的话,同理,对于USD Portfolio,将EUR债券收益Hedge成MXN,再用期末即期汇率将MXN换成USD,给USD Portfolio带来的净收益为:

3.475% - 1% = 2.475%(将MXN换回USD损失1%,因为题干有说MXN相对EUR贬值2%,USD相对EUR贬值1%,所以MXN相对USD贬值1%)

那现在回到提问这句:Hedging into GBP would add only 0.175% for any of the portfolios.

将EUR Hedge成GBP的收益仅仅为0.175%,因为根据Covered interest rate parity,Hedge的收益为:

GBP的6个月利率 - EUR的6个月利率 = (0.5%-0.15%)/2 = 0.175%

那对于USD Portfolio来讲,现将EUR收益利用Forward Hedge成GBP,收益增加0.175%,再将GBP用期末的即期汇率换成USD,增加收益1%(因为USD相对EUR贬值1%,EUR与GBP稳定,则GBP相对USD升值1%)。

经过这么操作,净收益为:0.175% + 1% = 1.175%,显然不如换成MXN的好,hedge成MXN的收益为2.475%。其他Portfolio的分析同理。

Hedging into USD would reduce expected return for any of the portfolios because the pick up on the hedge (+0.625%) is less than the expected depreciation (–1.0%) of the USD against the Euro and GBP.

这句又讨论了Hedge成USD,将EUR债券的收益Hedge成USD带来的收益为:(1.40% - 0.15%)/ 2 = 0.625%

但是对于EUR portfolio来说,期末要将USD在用即期汇率换成EUR,我们损失-1%,因为题目有说USD相对EUR贬值1%。

经过这么操作,对EUR portfolio的净收益为:0.625% - 1%;显然效果也不如Hedge成MXN好。

同理,对于GBP portfolio,先用Forward将EUR收益Hedge成USD的收益为+0.625%,期末需要将USD再用即期汇率换成GBP,我们也损失-1%,题目说USD相对EUR贬值1%,EUR与GBP稳定,则USD相对GBP贬值1%。

经过这么操作,对于GBP portfolio来说,损失:0.625% - 1%

这就是提问这句话里说的,将EUR债券的收益Hedge成USD的收益仅仅为0.625%,但对于GBP/EUR portfolio来说,期末将USD换回GBP/EUR要损失1%,显然是不划算的。

经过以上讨论,无论是对哪个Portfolio,都是先将EUR hedge成MXN、然后再将MXN用期末的即期汇率换成Base currency,这种路径的收益最高。所以直接选A。

那如果mxn to usd是3.475%-1% = 2.475%, gbp to usd不是应该是0.175%+1%吗?

正确,对于USD Portfolio,EUR收益先Hedge成GBP增加+0.175%,然后GBP用期末的即期汇率换成USD,收益增加1%,净收益为0.175%+1%= 1.175%



第一个部分是用Forward,将EUR hedge成任意货币带来的收益,是Forward提供的收益,例如,将EUR债券收益Hedge成MXN。

第二个部分是将MXN用期末即期汇率换回Base currency的收益。


例如将EUR hedge成MXN的收益为3.475%,对于USD Portfolio,期末用即期汇率将MXN换成USD的损失为-1%;

经过这么操作的净收益为:3.475% - 1%

如果期末用即期汇率换汇的收益为正数+1%,那净收益就是3.475% + 1%。两步综合起来才是这么操作的净收益。


将EUR利用Forward hedge成USD的收益,根据Covered interest rate parity算出来的近似收益,前面已讲。

Hedge的近似收益就是两国利率之差,例如,用6个月的Forward将EUR hedge成GBP,近似利率就是6个月的GBP利率 减去 6个月的EUR利率。


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