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陆大善人 · 2021年03月22日




John Puten is the chief investment officer of the Markus University Endowment Investment Office. Puten seeks to increase the diversification of the endowment by investing in hedge funds. He recently met with several hedge fund managers that employ different investment strategies. In selecting a hedge fund manager, Puten prefers to hire a manager that uses the following:
● Fundamental and technical analysis to value markets
● Discretionary and systematic modes of implementation
● Top-down strategies
● A range of macroeconomic and fundamental models to express a view regarding the direction or relative value of a particular asset
Puten’s staff prepares a brief summary of two potential hedge fund investments:
Hedge Fund 1: A relative value strategy fund focusing only on convertible arbitrage.
Hedge Fund 2: An opportunistic strategy fund focusing only on global macro strategies.

Determine which hedge fund would be most appropriate for Puten. Justify your response.



Hedge Fund 2 would be most appropriate for Puten because it follows a global macro strategy, which is consistent with Puten’s preferences. Global macro managers use both fundamental and technical analysis to value markets, and they use discretionary and systematic modes of implementation. The key source of returns in global macro strategies revolves around correctly discerning and capitalizing on trends in global markets.
Global macro strategies are typically top-down and employ a range of macroeconomic and fundamental models to express a view regarding the direction or relative value of a particular asset or asset class. Positions may comprise a mix of individual securities, baskets of securities, index futures, foreign exchange futures/forwards, fixed-income products or futures, and derivatives or options on any of the above. If the hedge fund manager is making a directional bet, then directional models will use fundamental data regarding a specific market or asset to determine if it is undervalued or overvalued relative to history and the expected macro-trend.
Hedge Fund 1 follows a relative value strategy with a focus on convertible arbitrage, which is not aligned with Puten’s preferences. In a convertible bond arbitrage strategy, the manager strives to extract “cheap” implied volatility by buying the relatively undervalued convertible bond and taking a short position in the relatively overvalued common stock. Convertible arbitrage managers are typically neither using fundamental and technical analysis to value markets nor employing top-down strategies to express a view regarding the direction or relative value of an asset.

老师您好 这种问答题能不能就写为什么选择 global? 我看第二段话也很长 感觉在时间有限的情况下未必要分析为啥不选relative value, 如果考试的时候只写选择global的原因 可以吗?

比如这道题 我的答案就是2句话, 1) 选global 2) 原因列一下


1 个答案

韩韩_品职助教 · 2021年03月22日


对的,按照你的这个思路写就可以,原因这边可以只写global macro的原因就可以。
