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sherry_lee · 2021年03月17日

问一道题:NO.PZ201704060100000106 第6小题 [ CFA III ]

* 问题详情,请 查看题干


The whole life insurance policy feature described by Lansky is a:



non-forfeiture clause.


waiver-of-premium rider.


guaranteed insurability rider.


A is correct.

The whole life insurance policy feature described is a non-forfeiture clause, whereby there is the option to receive some portion of the benefits if premium payments are missed (i.e., before the policy lapses).

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2021年03月18日


首先根据文中“one feature of the policy provides for a portion of the benefites to be paid even if a premium payment is late or missed”我们知道Lansky是在描述“被保人依然有权利要求保险公司给benefits,或是要求保险公司付部分benefit。”这句话体现的就是non-forfeiture clause的特点。

选项A:Non-forfeiture clause是寿险里的额外增加项,即尽管某次保费迟交或漏交,被保人依然有权利要求保险公司给benefits,或是要求保险公司付部分benefit。

选项B:waiver-of-premium rider也属于可以附加入寿险的一种额外增加项,即当被保人残疾后,可以不用再交保费。(本条同时也属于伤残险的额外增加项)

选项C: guaranteed insurability rider也属于可以附加入寿险的一种额外增加项,即确保投保人在定好一段时间内可以再次增购同样的保险。


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NO.PZ201704060100000106 问题如下 RicharLansky is insurananwealth aiser for invials. Lansky’s first meeting of the y is with Gregory Zavris, age 27, a new client who works a journalist. Gregory’s only asset is $5,000 in savings; he h$67,000 in liabilities. ring the conversation, Lansky scribes the concepts of financicapitanhumcapital, well the components of economic antrationbalansheets. Gregory asks Lansky: On whibalansheet are my future earnings reflecte Gregory es not have mecinsurance. He asks Lansky for airegarng a polithpotentially woulallow him to avoipaying for offivisits relateto minor mecproblems.In the afternoon, Lansky meets with Gregory’s parents, Molly anKirk, ages 53 an60. Molly is a tenureuniversity professor anprovis consulting services to locbusinesses. Kirk is a senior manager for investment bank. Lansky termines thMolly’s income is more stable thKirk’s.Kirk anMolly scuss estate planning, anLansky recommen a whole life insuranpolion Kirk’s life, with Molly responsible for paying the premiums. In the event of Kirk's ath, Gregory woulentitleto the procee from the policy. Lansky explains thone feature of the poliprovis for a portion of the benefits to paieven if a premium payment is late or misse Molly tells Lansky thshe hrecently been reang about annuities anwoullike to clarify her unrstanng. Molly makes the following statements.Statement 1 Both ferreanimmeate annuities provi the same flexibility concerning access to investefun.Statement 2 The income yielfor a given amount investein a life-only immeate annuity is higher for olr person thfor a younger person.the enof the consultation, Molly asks Lansky for airegarng her retireaunt, Rose Gabriel, age 69. Molly believes thGabriel’s life annuity anpension benefits will provi enough income to meet her customary lifestyle nee. Gabriel lives in her mortgage-free home; her mecinsuranplcovers basic health care expenses. Women in Gabriel’s family generally have long life spans but often experienchronic health problems requiring extennursing home. Therefore, Molly is concernethmecexpenses might exceeGabriel’s net worth ring her finyears.The whole life insuranpolifeature scribeLansky is A.non-forfeiture clause. B.waiver-of-premium rir. C.guaranteeinsurability rir. A is correct. The whole life insuranpolifeature scribeis a non-forfeiture clause, wherethere is the option to receive some portion of the benefits if premium payments are misse(i.e., before the polilapses). 这三个答案分别是什么定义?有点忘了

2024-08-08 16:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201704060100000106 老师这个A项说的是non-forfeiture的条款的哪一个呢?是提前退保吗?

2021-04-01 14:16 3 · 回答

waiver-of-premium rir. guaranteeinsurability rir. A is correct. The whole life insuranpolifeature scribeis a non-forfeiture clause, wherethere is the option to receive some portion of the benefits if premium payments are misse(i.e., before the polilapses).guranteeinsuranrir是什么意思。保证一直有投保资格吗?

2020-10-29 20:46 1 · 回答

这题李老师说B,C都不是伤残险的内容,所以选也要选A是什么意思?这道题李老师讲的完全听不懂,B和C是一回事吗?不是吧。 另外题干里面是两句话的,一个是gregory woulentitleto the procee from the policy. 还有一句是one feature of the poliprovis for a portion of the benefites to paieven if a premium payment is late or misse是这两句话任何一句出来,都可以知道答案是不可丧失条款吗

2020-08-29 20:14 3 · 回答