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LuckyYao · 2021年03月17日




Which of the following statements is NOT correct?



For the repo transactions, the TSAA is reduced but the TSECF and TSECCF are not affected


For the reverse repo transaction, the TSAA is increased and the TSLGC is not affected


For the sell/buyback transactions, TSAA decreases.


For the security lending, TSAA decreases and the TSLGC increases.


考点:对Quantitative Liquidity Risk Measures的理解



D选项表述错误,对于Security lending, TSAA降低,同时TSLGC不变。

For the repo transactions, the TSAA is reduced but the TSECF and TSECCF are not affected

请问老师,bond ownership还在银行,所以payment还属于银行,TSECF和TSECCF不变;但是在期初,counterparty会支付给bank一笔CF,这个为什么就不影响TSECF/TSECCF?

而且reverse repo期初由银行支付的CF就算做在TSECF/TSECCF里了

1 个答案

小刘_品职助教 · 2021年03月17日


这个点何老师上课有讲,因为在repo中这笔CF没有计入到TSECF和TSECCF里,但是计入到LGC里,reverve repo里这笔是记录在TSECF和TSECCF里,这就是二者的区别。具体在The Term Structure of Available Assets 视频1.5倍速11分钟左右。

对于这个点,我个人是这么理解的,对于repo的一方,你其实是没有其他选择的,repo只是你满足流动性的一种方式,所以把他计入LGC里比较合适;但是对reverse repo的一方,他是有主动选择权的,他可以做逆回购,也可以买其他资产,有点管理现金流的意思,因此作为逆回购的一方把这个视为是购买了债券也算合理。

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NO.PZ2020042003000061问题如下 Whiof the following statements is NOTcorrect? For the repo transactions, the TSis receut the TSEanTSECare not affecte. For the reverse repo transaction, the TSisincreaseanthe TSLGC is not affecte. For the sell/buybatransactions, TScreases. Forthe security lenng, TScreases anthe TSLGC increases. 考点对Quantitative Liquity Risk Measures的理解答案析述错误,对于Securitylenng, TSAA降低,同时TSLGC不变。 GC为什么不变

2024-01-18 19:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020042003000061 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is NOTcorrect? For the repo transactions, the TSis receut the TSEanTSECare not affecte For the reverse repo transaction, the TSisincreaseanthe TSLGC is not affecte For the sell/buybatransactions, TScreases. Forthe security lenng, TScreases anthe TSLGC increases. 考点对Quantitative Liquity Risk Measures的理解答案析述错误,对于Securitylenng, TSAA降低,同时TSLGC不变。 o.PZ2020042003000061 (选择题)来源: 品职出题Whiof the following statements is NOT correct?您的回答正确答案是: 不正确For the repo transactions, the TSis recebut the TSEanTSECare not affecteFor the reverse repo transaction, the TSis increaseanthe TSLGC is not affecteFor the sell/buybatransactions, TScreases.or the security lenng, TScreases anthe TSLGC increases.buyback不是应该会导致available asset增加吗

2023-10-27 07:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020042003000061 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is NOTcorrect? For the repo transactions, the TSis receut the TSEanTSECare not affecte For the reverse repo transaction, the TSisincreaseanthe TSLGC is not affecte For the sell/buybatransactions, TScreases. Forthe security lenng, TScreases anthe TSLGC increases. 考点对Quantitative Liquity Risk Measures的理解答案析述错误,对于Securitylenng, TSAA降低,同时TSLGC不变。 讲义194上说,repo的开始和结束的现金流应当计入LGC。而reverse repo不影响LGC,因为到期之后债券还应该还给对方,无法卖出所以LGC不受影响。问题一为什么repo的开始和结束的现金流不计入ECF和ECCF,这个是本身的定义吗,即repo属于扩张B/S寻找其他融资渠道而进行的操作,不是银行现有/新业务带来的CF?问题二为什么repo计入LGC而reverse repo不影响(二者的方向是对称的)?尽管债券到期之后要还给对方,但无ownership有Possesion的情况不是可以拿去抵押或者质押进行融资吗?这个不算是对于LGC的影响吗?

2023-09-03 18:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020042003000061 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is NOTcorrect? For the repo transactions, the TSis receut the TSEanTSECare not affecte For the reverse repo transaction, the TSisincreaseanthe TSLGC is not affecte For the sell/buybatransactions, TScreases. Forthe security lenng, TScreases anthe TSLGC increases. 考点对Quantitative Liquity Risk Measures的理解答案析述错误,对于Securitylenng, TSAA降低,同时TSLGC不变。 我把bon出去之后会收获一笔现金,为什么会不变?看了之前的回答,一种是,repo之后是没有发生现金流的,所以ECF和ECCF不变另一种是,repo得到的现金流,约等于是卖了资产,所以计入LGC更合适。应该选哪种来理解?

2023-04-05 20:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020042003000061 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is NOTcorrect? For the repo transactions, the TSis receut the TSEanTSECare not affecte For the reverse repo transaction, the TSisincreaseanthe TSLGC is not affecte For the sell/buybatransactions, TScreases. Forthe security lenng, TScreases anthe TSLGC increases. 考点对Quantitative Liquity Risk Measures的理解答案析述错误,对于Securitylenng, TSAA降低,同时TSLGC不变。 A为什么TSCECCF和TSCECF不变?B为什么TSLGC不变?

2022-10-23 22:30 1 · 回答