NO.PZ2015121801000049 问题如下 With respeto trang costs, liquity is least likely to impathe: A.stoprice. B.biask sprea. C.brokerage commissions. is correct.Brokerage commissions are negotiatewith the brokerage firm. A security’s liquity impacts the operationefficienof trang costs. Specifically, liquity impacts the biask spreancimpathe stopri(if the ability to sell the stois impairethe uncertainty associatewith being able to sell the stock). 老师您好,能翻译一下这道题目的题干和吗?
NO.PZ2015121801000049问题如下With respeto trang costs, liquity is least likely to impathe: A.stoprice. B.biask sprea. C.brokerage commissions. is correct.Brokerage commissions are negotiatewith the brokerage firm. A security’s liquity impacts the operationefficienof trang costs. Specifically, liquity impacts the biask spreancimpathe stopri(if the ability to sell the stois impairethe uncertainty associatewith being able to sell the stock).交易佣金是根据什么收费的?
NO.PZ2015121801000049 biask sprea. brokerage commissions. C is correct. Brokerage commissions are negotiatewith the brokerage firm. A security’s liquity impacts the operationefficienof trang costs. Specifically, liquity impacts the biask spreancimpathe stopri(if the ability to sell the stois impairethe uncertainty associatewith being able to sell the stock). 老师,流动性会让broker撮合变难,佣金肯定会更贵呀。而A,题干说的是交易费用角度,从交易费用角度,流动性是怎么影响股价的呢?
biask sprea. brokerage commissions. C is correct. Brokerage commissions are negotiatewith the brokerage firm. A security’s liquity impacts the operationefficienof trang costs. Specifically, liquity impacts the biask spreancimpathe stopri(if the ability to sell the stois impairethe uncertainty associatewith being able to sell the stock).with respeto trang costs 这句话什么意思?不太明白
老师 交易的佣金也会受到流动性影响吧?流动性强交易难度低 佣金可能就会低 这是市场常理啊?