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Jm · 2021年03月14日

为什么第五年的carrying value 还是 100?



An investor purchases a nine-year, 7% annual coupon payment bond at a price equal to par value. After the bond is purchased and before the first coupon is received, interest rates increase to 8%. The investor sells the bond after five years. Assume that interest rates remain unchanged at 8% over the five-year holding period.

The capital gain/loss per 100 of par value resulting from the sale of the bond at the end of the five-year holding period is closest to a:



loss of 8.45.


loss of 3.31.


gain of 2.75.


B is correct.

The capital loss is closest to 3.31 per 100 of par value. After five years, the bond has four years remaining until maturity and the sale price of the bond is 96.69, calculated as:


The investor purchased the bond at a price equal to par value (100). Because the bond was purchased at a price equal to its par value, the carrying value is par value. Therefore, the investor experienced a capital loss of 96.69 - 100 = -3.31.

没有解释为什么carrying value一直是100

第五年的carrying value不应该是用原来的YTM折现得到吗?

1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2021年03月14日



bond的carrying value是账面价值。

如果债券期初是溢价购买的,在债券的一生中,Carrying value逐渐降低,向面值100靠近。债券到期时Carrying value就是100. 如果债券期初是折价购买的,在债券的一生中,Carrying value逐渐上升,向面值100靠近。债券到期时Carrying value就是100。如果债券是平价发行的,投资者买的时候就是以Par Value买到。不存在购买价格向Par value靠拢这个问题,债券的Carrying Value在这只债券的一生中都是100。

回到这道题中,这道题是以面值购买,7% annual coupon payment bond at a price equal to par value。也正因为是以面值购买,所以账面价值就一直都是100,即carrying value=100。你也可以用一开始的7%进行折现,coupon rate也是7%,所以折现结果永远是面值100。


广超 · 2022年09月27日

老师,为什么课上的例题就需要再算一下第五年的债券carrying value?而且和期初购买价格不同?

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NO.PZ2016031001000111 问题如下 investor purchases a nine-year, 7% annucoupon payment bona priequto pvalue. After the bonis purchaseanbefore the first coupon is receive interest rates increase to 8%. The investor sells the bonafter five years. Assume thinterest rates remain unchange8% over the five-yeholng perio The capitgain/loss per 100 of pvalue resulting from the sale of the bonthe enof the five-yeholng periois closest to A.loss of 8.45. B.loss of 3.31. C.gain of 2.75. B is correct.The capitloss is closest to 3.31 per 100 of pvalue. After five years, the bonhfour years remaining until maturity anthe sale priof the bonis 96.69, calculateas:7(1.08)1+7(1.08)2+7(1.08)3+107(1.08)4=96.69\frac7{{(1.08)}^1}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^2}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^3}+\frac{107}{{(1.08)}^4}=96.69(1.08)17​+(1.08)27​+(1.08)37​+(1.08)4107​=96.69The investor purchasethe bona priequto pvalue (100). Because the bonwpurchasea priequto its pvalue, the carrying value is pvalue. Therefore, the investor experiencea capitloss of 96.69 - 100 = -3.31.考点capitgain(loss)解析一开始是以面值100购入债券,当收到第一笔coupon前,利率上涨至8%,五年后投资者又将债券卖出。现在题目要我们求的是capitgain(loss)。capitgain(loss)衡量的是债券售价和carrying value之间的差距,这道题的carrying value就是100,那我们只要算出selling price,两项相减即可。利用计算器计算债券售价N=4,PMT=7,I/Y=8,FV=100,求得PV= -96.69。求得的96.69是债券第五年卖出的sale prcie,债券在第五年能卖多少钱,取决于未来现金流折到第五年共有多少。故capitloss = 96.69-100 = -3.31,故B正确。 请问如果题目问题去掉capit单纯问gain/loss 是不是要考虑持有期获得的利息进来呢

2023-11-01 20:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000111 问题如下 investor purchases a nine-year, 7% annucoupon payment bona priequto pvalue. After the bonis purchaseanbefore the first coupon is receive interest rates increase to 8%. The investor sells the bonafter five years. Assume thinterest rates remain unchange8% over the five-yeholng perio The capitgain/loss per 100 of pvalue resulting from the sale of the bonthe enof the five-yeholng periois closest to A.loss of 8.45. B.loss of 3.31. C.gain of 2.75. B is correct.The capitloss is closest to 3.31 per 100 of pvalue. After five years, the bonhfour years remaining until maturity anthe sale priof the bonis 96.69, calculateas:7(1.08)1+7(1.08)2+7(1.08)3+107(1.08)4=96.69\frac7{{(1.08)}^1}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^2}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^3}+\frac{107}{{(1.08)}^4}=96.69(1.08)17​+(1.08)27​+(1.08)37​+(1.08)4107​=96.69The investor purchasethe bona priequto pvalue (100). Because the bonwpurchasea priequto its pvalue, the carrying value is pvalue. Therefore, the investor experiencea capitloss of 96.69 - 100 = -3.31.考点capitgain(loss)解析一开始是以面值100购入债券,当收到第一笔coupon前,利率上涨至8%,五年后投资者又将债券卖出。现在题目要我们求的是capitgain(loss)。capitgain(loss)衡量的是债券售价和carrying value之间的差距,这道题的carrying value就是100,那我们只要算出selling price,两项相减即可。利用计算器计算债券售价N=4,PMT=7,I/Y=8,FV=100,求得PV= -96.69。求得的96.69是债券第五年卖出的sale prcie,债券在第五年能卖多少钱,取决于未来现金流折到第五年共有多少。故capitloss = 96.69-100 = -3.31,故B正确。 一。 这是一个9年期中间卖掉,第五年的时候为什么是100+7??为社么不能根据9年期的条件求出PV,然后根据PV求出5年后的FV?二。 这类的题目思路是当前的现金流向后复利几期,为什么不能用未来现金流折现的思路呢?如果用折现思路,N=5吧?

2023-04-28 21:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000111 问题如下 investor purchases a nine-year, 7% annucoupon payment bona priequto pvalue. After the bonis purchaseanbefore the first coupon is receive interest rates increase to 8%. The investor sells the bonafter five years. Assume thinterest rates remain unchange8% over the five-yeholng perio The capitgain/loss per 100 of pvalue resulting from the sale of the bonthe enof the five-yeholng periois closest to A.loss of 8.45. B.loss of 3.31. C.gain of 2.75. B is correct.The capitloss is closest to 3.31 per 100 of pvalue. After five years, the bonhfour years remaining until maturity anthe sale priof the bonis 96.69, calculateas:7(1.08)1+7(1.08)2+7(1.08)3+107(1.08)4=96.69\frac7{{(1.08)}^1}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^2}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^3}+\frac{107}{{(1.08)}^4}=96.69(1.08)17​+(1.08)27​+(1.08)37​+(1.08)4107​=96.69The investor purchasethe bona priequto pvalue (100). Because the bonwpurchasea priequto its pvalue, the carrying value is pvalue. Therefore, the investor experiencea capitloss of 96.69 - 100 = -3.31.考点capitgain(loss)解析一开始是以面值100购入债券,当收到第一笔coupon前,利率上涨至8%,五年后投资者又将债券卖出。现在题目要我们求的是capitgain(loss)。capitgain(loss)衡量的是债券售价和carrying value之间的差距,这道题的carrying value就是100,那我们只要算出selling price,两项相减即可。利用计算器计算债券售价N=4,PMT=7,I/Y=8,FV=100,求得PV= -96.69。求得的96.69是债券第五年卖出的sale prcie,债券在第五年能卖多少钱,取决于未来现金流折到第五年共有多少。故capitloss = 96.69-100 = -3.31,故B正确。 之前我看老师解答其他同学的问题说了carrying value就是求的PV不是吗?咋现在又在求FV。我都晕了 每次这样的题目PV和FV都分不清楚

2023-04-26 08:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000111 问题如下 investor purchases a nine-year, 7% annucoupon payment bona priequto pvalue. After the bonis purchaseanbefore the first coupon is receive interest rates increase to 8%. The investor sells the bonafter five years. Assume thinterest rates remain unchange8% over the five-yeholng perio The capitgain/loss per 100 of pvalue resulting from the sale of the bonthe enof the five-yeholng periois closest to A.loss of 8.45. B.loss of 3.31. C.gain of 2.75. B is correct.The capitloss is closest to 3.31 per 100 of pvalue. After five years, the bonhfour years remaining until maturity anthe sale priof the bonis 96.69, calculateas:7(1.08)1+7(1.08)2+7(1.08)3+107(1.08)4=96.69\frac7{{(1.08)}^1}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^2}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^3}+\frac{107}{{(1.08)}^4}=96.69(1.08)17​+(1.08)27​+(1.08)37​+(1.08)4107​=96.69The investor purchasethe bona priequto pvalue (100). Because the bonwpurchasea priequto its pvalue, the carrying value is pvalue. Therefore, the investor experiencea capitloss of 96.69 - 100 = -3.31.考点capitgain(loss)解析一开始是以面值100购入债券,当收到第一笔coupon前,利率上涨至8%,五年后投资者又将债券卖出。现在题目要我们求的是capitgain(loss)。capitgain(loss)衡量的是债券售价和carrying value之间的差距,这道题的carrying value就是100,那我们只要算出selling price,两项相减即可。利用计算器计算债券售价N=4,PMT=7,I/Y=8,FV=100,求得PV= -96.69。求得的96.69是债券第五年卖出的sale prcie,债券在第五年能卖多少钱,取决于未来现金流折到第五年共有多少。故capitloss = 96.69-100 = -3.31,故B正确。 carring value就是pvalue吗

2023-04-26 06:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000111 问题如下 investor purchases a nine-year, 7% annucoupon payment bona priequto pvalue. After the bonis purchaseanbefore the first coupon is receive interest rates increase to 8%. The investor sells the bonafter five years. Assume thinterest rates remain unchange8% over the five-yeholng perio The capitgain/loss per 100 of pvalue resulting from the sale of the bonthe enof the five-yeholng periois closest to A.loss of 8.45. B.loss of 3.31. C.gain of 2.75. B is correct.The capitloss is closest to 3.31 per 100 of pvalue. After five years, the bonhfour years remaining until maturity anthe sale priof the bonis 96.69, calculateas:7(1.08)1+7(1.08)2+7(1.08)3+107(1.08)4=96.69\frac7{{(1.08)}^1}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^2}+\frac7{{(1.08)}^3}+\frac{107}{{(1.08)}^4}=96.69(1.08)17​+(1.08)27​+(1.08)37​+(1.08)4107​=96.69The investor purchasethe bona priequto pvalue (100). Because the bonwpurchasea priequto its pvalue, the carrying value is pvalue. Therefore, the investor experiencea capitloss of 96.69 - 100 = -3.31.考点capitgain(loss)解析一开始是以面值100购入债券,当收到第一笔coupon前,利率上涨至8%,五年后投资者又将债券卖出。现在题目要我们求的是capitgain(loss)。capitgain(loss)衡量的是债券售价和carrying value之间的差距,这道题的carrying value就是100,那我们只要算出selling price,两项相减即可。利用计算器计算债券售价N=4,PMT=7,I/Y=8,FV=100,求得PV= -96.69。求得的96.69是债券第五年卖出的sale prcie,债券在第五年能卖多少钱,取决于未来现金流折到第五年共有多少。故capitloss = 96.69-100 = -3.31,故B正确。 老师,这道题算的是capital/gain loss,是不是和horizon yiel全不一样?CapitGain/Loss = Sell Pri- Carrying Value, 不包括求coupon的future value而Horizon Yiel计算里面,包括了求Bon身的future value,以及coupon payments的future value,也就是reinvestment value?

2022-10-10 03:13 1 · 回答