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reachqi · 2021年03月11日

请解释一下social proof bias. 谢谢



Ariane Pineda is chair of the investment committee for a Canadian investment management company. She is seeking to replace a retiring committee member. Pineda actively encourages each committee member to share his or her views and privately held information as part of the decision-making process. Exhibit 1 presents the current committee members’ characteristics.

Pineda gathers information on three potential candidates to fill the committee position.

1 Candidate A, 46, recently joined the company. She has worked in the alternative investments departments of three portfolio management companies in Asia and Canada.

2 Candidate B, 54, has worked in the company’s headquarters for his entire career. He has held several investment management positions in the equity and fixed income departments.

3 Candidate C, 58, has worked for the company for eight years. Prior to joining the company, she worked as the chief accountant for a medium-sized local business group.

Recommend the best candidate for the investment committee position.(circle one)

Candidate A

Candidate B

Candidate C

Justify your response.



Candidate A is the best candidate for the investment committee.

●Candidate A alone has expertise in Alternative Investments, which would complement the experience of those on the committee.

●Candidate A has international experience, another diversifying characteristic that may add fresh ideas.

●Her career at three other companies should enable her to express independent opinions and reduce the likelihood of her having a social proof bias.

●Because she is younger than the other committee members, Candidate A may have different perspectives that could add value to the committee.

●Pineda’s leadership style of seeking all privately held information from each committee member means that Candidate A’s ideas would likely be considered.

The best candidate for the investment committee position is Candidate A. She has worked in Alternative Investments, has international experience, and would offer a different perspective from the current members. Her experience with three other companies and the fact that she recently joined the investment management company reduce the chance of her being subject to a social proof bias. Candidate A is younger than the committee members and may have fresh ideas. Thus, Candidate A can be expected to add independent ideas to the committee’s deliberations, and Pineda’s leadership style increases the likelihood that her views will be heard and considered.

Although Candidate B has experience in both the Equity and Fixed Income departments, he may be susceptible to a social proof bias. Although Candidate C has worked for an outside firm in accounting, her experience would be less relevant to the investment committee than that of Candidate A.

  1. social proof bias - 我一直不是很理解,请解释一下。谢谢
  2. 答案中有提到选择Candidate A可以reduce social proof bias ( Her experience with three other companies and the fact that she recently joined the investment management company reduce the chance of her being subject to a social proof bias), 同时也提到选择Candidate B会有social proof bias. 请解释一下why choose Candidate A can reduce social proof bias, but choose Candidate B may induce social proof bias.
1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2021年03月11日



- social proof bias 是指个体偏向于追随群体的信念 "individuals are biased to follow the beliefs of a group."


- 在技能、经验和文化上具有多样性的团队,可能不太容易出现 social proof bias. "Teams that are diverse in skills, experience, and culture may be less prone to social proof bias."

- 关于选项 A 和 B 的辨析,也请参考:https://class.pzacademy.com/qa/45847

- 这道题是课后题第 9 题,考查的知识点是 "How Behavioral Factors Affect Committee Decision Making"

- 关于 social proof bias,可以再看一下课后题第 6 题哈


Shafengler · 2022年06月30日


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NO.PZ2015111901000012 问题如下 Ariane Pine is chair of the investment committee for a Canainvestment management company. She is seeking to replaa retiring committee member. Pine actively encourages eacommittee member to share his or her views anprivately helinformation part of the cision-making process. Exhibit 1 presents the current committee members’ characteristics.Pine gathers information on three potenticantes to fill the committee position.1 Cante 46, recently joinethe company. She hworkein the alternative investments partments of three portfolio management companies in Asia anCana.2 Cante 54, hworkein the company’s heauarters for his entire career. He hhelseverinvestment management positions in the equity anfixeincome partments.3 Cante 58, hworkefor the company for eight years. Prior to joining the company, she workethe chief accountant for a meum-sizelocbusiness group.Recommenthe best cante for the investment committee position.(circle one)Cante ACante BCante CJustify your response. Cante A is the best cante for the investment committee.●Cante A alone hexpertise in Alternative Investments, whiwoulcomplement the experienof those on the committee.●Cante A hinternationexperience, another versifying characteristic thma fresh ias.●Her career three other companies shoulenable her to express inpennt opinions anrethe likelihooof her having a sociproof bias.●Because she is younger ththe other committee members, Cante A mhave fferent perspectives thcoula value to the committee.●Pine’s learship style of seeking all privately helinformation from eacommittee member means thCante A’s iwoullikely consireThe best cante for the investment committee position is Cante She hworkein Alternative Investments, hinternationexperience, anwouloffer a fferent perspective from the current members. Her experienwith three other companies anthe fathshe recently joinethe investment management company rethe chanof her being subjeto a sociproof bias. Cante A is younger ththe committee members anmhave fresh ias. Thus, Cante A cexpecteto a inpennt ito the committee’s liberations, anPine’s learship style increases the likelihoothher views will hearanconsireAlthough Cante B hexperienin both the Equity anFixeIncome partments, he msusceptible to a sociproof bias. Although Cante C hworkefor outsi firm in accounting, her experienwoulless relevant to the investment committee ththof Cante 这是我的答案;请老师指点一下,多谢!cante A is most appropriate.1. she hfferent skills anexperience, ever workein alternative investment partment.2. her age is more appropriate, coulmore versification.3. she hinternationwork backgroun4. committee encourage share one's views.

2023-06-12 17:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015111901000012 问题如下 Ariane Pine is chair of the investment committee for a Canainvestment management company. She is seeking to replaa retiring committee member. Pine actively encourages eacommittee member to share his or her views anprivately helinformation part of the cision-making process. Exhibit 1 presents the current committee members’ characteristics.Pine gathers information on three potenticantes to fill the committee position.1 Cante 46, recently joinethe company. She hworkein the alternative investments partments of three portfolio management companies in Asia anCana.2 Cante 54, hworkein the company’s heauarters for his entire career. He hhelseverinvestment management positions in the equity anfixeincome partments.3 Cante 58, hworkefor the company for eight years. Prior to joining the company, she workethe chief accountant for a meum-sizelocbusiness group.Recommenthe best cante for the investment committee position.(circle one)Cante ACante BCante CJustify your response. Cante A is the best cante for the investment committee.●Cante A alone hexpertise in Alternative Investments, whiwoulcomplement the experienof those on the committee.●Cante A hinternationexperience, another versifying characteristic thma fresh ias.●Her career three other companies shoulenable her to express inpennt opinions anrethe likelihooof her having a sociproof bias.●Because she is younger ththe other committee members, Cante A mhave fferent perspectives thcoula value to the committee.●Pine’s learship style of seeking all privately helinformation from eacommittee member means thCante A’s iwoullikely consireThe best cante for the investment committee position is Cante She hworkein Alternative Investments, hinternationexperience, anwouloffer a fferent perspective from the current members. Her experienwith three other companies anthe fathshe recently joinethe investment management company rethe chanof her being subjeto a sociproof bias. Cante A is younger ththe committee members anmhave fresh ias. Thus, Cante A cexpecteto a inpennt ito the committee’s liberations, anPine’s learship style increases the likelihoothher views will hearanconsireAlthough Cante B hexperienin both the Equity anFixeIncome partments, he msusceptible to a sociproof bias. Although Cante C hworkefor outsi firm in accounting, her experienwoulless relevant to the investment committee ththof Cante 首先可以看出,4要退休。看答案,思路就是从多元化背景的角度来选人。外来户、干过不同投资领域的、年轻人,所以选A了。B是自家人,与1、2、3都有同质化。C干的是会计,不相关,且也有一定的同质化。但是,奇怪的是,为什么要选一个最差异化的人?题干说主席鼓励大家表达自己的意见。这跟差异化有啥关系?差异越大的人就越能表达自己的意见吗?这逻辑不通吧。感觉B跟4最像吧,B顶替4最合适。4是经验丰富,领域是固收。不是应该也找一个固收的人来顶替吗?而且老人不怕领导,更敢表达自己的意见。就是答案思路的内容我理解,就是它为什么用这个思路我不明白。

2022-06-26 10:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015111901000012 问题如下 Ariane Pine is chair of the investment committee for a Canainvestment management company. She is seeking to replaa retiring committee member. Pine actively encourages eacommittee member to share his or her views anprivately helinformation part of the cision-making process. Exhibit 1 presents the current committee members’ characteristics.Pine gathers information on three potenticantes to fill the committee position.1 Cante 46, recently joinethe company. She hworkein the alternative investments partments of three portfolio management companies in Asia anCana.2 Cante 54, hworkein the company’s heauarters for his entire career. He hhelseverinvestment management positions in the equity anfixeincome partments.3 Cante 58, hworkefor the company for eight years. Prior to joining the company, she workethe chief accountant for a meum-sizelocbusiness group.Recommenthe best cante for the investment committee position.(circle one)Cante ACante BCante CJustify your response. Cante A is the best cante for the investment committee.●Cante A alone hexpertise in Alternative Investments, whiwoulcomplement the experienof those on the committee.●Cante A hinternationexperience, another versifying characteristic thma fresh ias.●Her career three other companies shoulenable her to express inpennt opinions anrethe likelihooof her having a sociproof bias.●Because she is younger ththe other committee members, Cante A mhave fferent perspectives thcoula value to the committee.●Pine’s learship style of seeking all privately helinformation from eacommittee member means thCante A’s iwoullikely consireThe best cante for the investment committee position is Cante She hworkein Alternative Investments, hinternationexperience, anwouloffer a fferent perspective from the current members. Her experienwith three other companies anthe fathshe recently joinethe investment management company rethe chanof her being subjeto a sociproof bias. Cante A is younger ththe committee members anmhave fresh ias. Thus, Cante A cexpecteto a inpennt ito the committee’s liberations, anPine’s learship style increases the likelihoothher views will hearanconsireAlthough Cante B hexperienin both the Equity anFixeIncome partments, he msusceptible to a sociproof bias. Although Cante C hworkefor outsi firm in accounting, her experienwoulless relevant to the investment committee ththof Cante 第一感觉,71岁的要退休了,因为他最年长。所以选了B。结果居然是A

2022-05-13 12:41 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015111901000012 问题如下 Ariane Pine is chair of the investment committee for a Canainvestment management company. She is seeking to replaa retiring committee member. Pine actively encourages eacommittee member to share his or her views anprivately helinformation part of the cision-making process. Exhibit 1 presents the current committee members’ characteristics.Pine gathers information on three potenticantes to fill the committee position.1 Cante 46, recently joinethe company. She hworkein the alternative investments partments of three portfolio management companies in Asia anCana.2 Cante 54, hworkein the company’s heauarters for his entire career. He hhelseverinvestment management positions in the equity anfixeincome partments.3 Cante 58, hworkefor the company for eight years. Prior to joining the company, she workethe chief accountant for a meum-sizelocbusiness group.Recommenthe best cante for the investment committee position.(circle one)Cante ACante BCante CJustify your response. Cante A is the best cante for the investment committee.●Cante A alone hexpertise in Alternative Investments, whiwoulcomplement the experienof those on the committee.●Cante A hinternationexperience, another versifying characteristic thma fresh ias.●Her career three other companies shoulenable her to express inpennt opinions anrethe likelihooof her having a sociproof bias.●Because she is younger ththe other committee members, Cante A mhave fferent perspectives thcoula value to the committee.●Pine’s learship style of seeking all privately helinformation from eacommittee member means thCante A’s iwoullikely consireThe best cante for the investment committee position is Cante She hworkein Alternative Investments, hinternationexperience, anwouloffer a fferent perspective from the current members. Her experienwith three other companies anthe fathshe recently joinethe investment management company rethe chanof her being subjeto a sociproof bias. Cante A is younger ththe committee members anmhave fresh ias. Thus, Cante A cexpecteto a inpennt ito the committee’s liberations, anPine’s learship style increases the likelihoothher views will hearanconsireAlthough Cante B hexperienin both the Equity anFixeIncome partments, he msusceptible to a sociproof bias. Although Cante C hworkefor outsi firm in accounting, her experienwoulless relevant to the investment committee ththof Cante 请问老师,这个答案A我是能判断出来的。想问下正式考试的时候,是要回答到哪种程度呢?能把踩分点写出来,句子通顺就行么~?

2022-05-07 01:26 1 · 回答