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天王老子 · 2021年03月11日




Jose DiCenzo has some securities worth €50,000 that have a cost basis of €75,000. If he sells the securities in the current tax year and replaces them with securities having the same returns. He will then sell the new securities in the next tax year. Assuming capital gains are taxed at 30 percent, what is the total tax savings assuming DiCenzo does not reinvest the tax savings?









A is correct.

Assuming DiCenzo does not reinvest the tax savings, tax loss harvesting does not reduce the total tax paid over time. It only defers taxes because recognizing the loss resets the cost basis to a lower figure which will ultimately increase the gain realized late by the same amount. Tax loss harvest can augment return by postponing tax liabilities. Reinvesting the current year’s tax savings increases the after-tax principal investment, which can augment the value of tax loss harvesting further.


问题问的是total tax saving是多少,也就是今年明年一共要交的tax,在realized losses和unrealized losses的情况下,相差多少。

学员可以自己带入数字去算一算,例如假设明年股价涨到80,000,你会发现total tax saving是0;因为今年卖掉股票获得tax reduction的同时,也降低了tax basis,会导致明年的capital gain tax增加。所以综合来看,total tax saving=0


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2021年03月12日

“If he sells the securities in the current tax year and replaces them with securities having the same returns.He will then sell the new securities in the next tax year”这句就是说“第一年先卖出再买回,然后第二年再卖出第一年买的股票”-->这一步就属于realized loss

what is the total tax savings assuming DiCenzo does not reinvest the tax savings?这个问题就是问的“不执行操作”,然后让同学比较两者tax的区别。