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金融民工阿聪 · 2021年03月07日

Statement 2的问题(2)



Jack Ma, FRM, is studying difference model, including mean-reverting models, no-drift models, models that incorporate drift, and Ho-Lee models. Ma makes the following statements about the appropriate usage of these models:

Statement 1: Both Model 1 (no drift) and the Vasicek model assume non-parallel shifts from changes in the short-term rate.

Statement 2: The Vasicek model implies decreasing volatility in short-term rates while Model 1 assumes constant volatility of future short-term rates.

Statement 3: The Model 2 (constant drift model) is a more flexible model than the Ho-Lee model.

How many of the statements is/are incorrect?











C is correct.

考点:Term structure models


Statement 1不正确. Model 1 assume parallel shifts from changes in the short-term rate.

Statement 2 正确.

Statement 3不正确.The Ho-Lee model is actually more general than Model 2, as no drift and constant drift models are special cases of the Ho-Lee model.


我仔细看了一下,老师提供的一个解析的图(说明v-model均值回归会有decreasing σ),里面其实说的是,如果同样的一个背景,如果假设它加上了这个均值回归,得出的σ353bps,会比不假设均值回归的模型得出的σ约390bps要小。这个小是针对不同模型(有均值回归和无均值回归)的区别,不是说它在V-model里面会变小吧?

4 个答案

小刘_品职助教 · 2021年03月08日


我之前表述的不太清楚。对于V-model 来说,他是以1/k 的速度向均值复归的,所以随着回归到均值之后,你可以认为他的volatility是处于一个decreasing的状态的,statement 2 是正确的。

DD仔_品职助教 · 2022年10月12日



后半句:model1的结论 波动率是固定的


朵朵0927 · 2022年09月23日


小刘_品职助教 · 2021年03月07日


这题的关键点在于V-model假设了均值回归,所以可以说V-model的σ比model 1 小哈~

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NO.PZ2018122701000068问题如下 JaMFRM, is stuing fferenmol, inclung mean-reverting mols, no-ift mols, mols thincorporate ift, anHo-Lee mols. Ma makes the following statements about the appropriate usage of these mols:Statement 1: Both Mol 1 (no ift) anthe Vasicek mol assume non-parallel shifts from changes in the short-term rate.Statement 2: The Vasicek mol implies creasing volatility in short-term rates while Mol 1 assumes constant volatility of future short-term rates.Statement 3: The Mol 2 (constant ift mol) is a more flexible mol ththe Ho-Lee mol.How many of the statements is/are incorrect? 0 1 2 3 C is correct.考点Term structure mols解析要求选错误的陈述有几个。Statement 1不正确. Mol 1 assume parallel shifts from changes in the short-term rate.Statement 2 正确. Statement 3不正确.The Ho-Lee mol is actually more generthMol 2, no ift anconstant ift mols are specicases of the Ho-Lee mol. 因此,有2个陈述错了,答案选对b的知识点完全没印象

2024-03-14 17:27 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018122701000068 问题如下 JaMFRM, is stuing fferenmol, inclung mean-reverting mols, no-ift mols, mols thincorporate ift, anHo-Lee mols. Ma makes the following statements about the appropriate usage of these mols:Statement 1: Both Mol 1 (no ift) anthe Vasicek mol assume non-parallel shifts from changes in the short-term rate.Statement 2: The Vasicek mol implies creasing volatility in short-term rates while Mol 1 assumes constant volatility of future short-term rates.Statement 3: The Mol 2 (constant ift mol) is a more flexible mol ththe Ho-Lee mol.How many of the statements is/are incorrect? 0 1 2 3 C is correct.考点Term structure mols解析要求选错误的陈述有几个。Statement 1不正确. Mol 1 assume parallel shifts from changes in the short-term rate.Statement 2 正确. Statement 3不正确.The Ho-Lee mol is actually more generthMol 2, no ift anconstant ift mols are specicases of the Ho-Lee mol. 因此,有2个陈述错了,答案选 为什么Mol 1 assume parallel shifts from changes in the short-term rate.

2024-03-08 00:51 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018122701000068问题如下 JaMFRM, is stuing fferenmol, inclung mean-reverting mols, no-ift mols, mols thincorporate ift, anHo-Lee mols. Ma makes the following statements about the appropriate usage of these mols:Statement 1: Both Mol 1 (no ift) anthe Vasicek mol assume non-parallel shifts from changes in the short-term rate.Statement 2: The Vasicek mol implies creasing volatility in short-term rates while Mol 1 assumes constant volatility of future short-term rates.Statement 3: The Mol 2 (constant ift mol) is a more flexible mol ththe Ho-Lee mol.How many of the statements is/are incorrect? 0 1 2 3 C is correct.考点Term structure mols解析要求选错误的陈述有几个。Statement 1不正确. Mol 1 assume parallel shifts from changes in the short-term rate.Statement 2 正确. Statement 3不正确.The Ho-Lee mol is actually more generthMol 2, no ift anconstant ift mols are specicases of the Ho-Lee mol. 因此,有2个陈述错了,答案选第二个为何正确?应该也是错的。

2023-08-05 18:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018122701000068 问题如下 JaMFRM, is stuing fferenmol, inclung mean-reverting mols, no-ift mols, mols thincorporate ift, anHo-Lee mols. Ma makes the following statements about the appropriate usage of these mols:Statement 1: Both Mol 1 (no ift) anthe Vasicek mol assume non-parallel shifts from changes in the short-term rate.Statement 2: The Vasicek mol implies creasing volatility in short-term rates while Mol 1 assumes constant volatility of future short-term rates.Statement 3: The Mol 2 (constant ift mol) is a more flexible mol ththe Ho-Lee mol.How many of the statements is/are incorrect? 0 1 2 3 C is correct.考点Term structure mols解析要求选错误的陈述有几个。Statement 1不正确. Mol 1 assume parallel shifts from changes in the short-term rate.Statement 2 正确. Statement 3不正确.The Ho-Lee mol is actually more generthMol 2, no ift anconstant ift mols are specicases of the Ho-Lee mol. 因此,有2个陈述错了,答案选 老师这里的表述1,对于V-mol是非平行移动的吗

2023-07-02 19:48 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018122701000068 问题如下 JaMFRM, is stuing fferenmol, inclung mean-reverting mols, no-ift mols, mols thincorporate ift, anHo-Lee mols. Ma makes the following statements about the appropriate usage of these mols:Statement 1: Both Mol 1 (no ift) anthe Vasicek mol assume non-parallel shifts from changes in the short-term rate.Statement 2: The Vasicek mol implies creasing volatility in short-term rates while Mol 1 assumes constant volatility of future short-term rates.Statement 3: The Mol 2 (constant ift mol) is a more flexible mol ththe Ho-Lee mol.How many of the statements is/are incorrect? 0 1 2 3 C is correct.考点Term structure mols解析要求选错误的陈述有几个。Statement 1不正确. Mol 1 assume parallel shifts from changes in the short-term rate.Statement 2 正确. Statement 3不正确.The Ho-Lee mol is actually more generthMol 2, no ift anconstant ift mols are specicases of the Ho-Lee mol. 因此,有2个陈述错了,答案选 Statement 2: The Vasicek mol implies creasing volatility in short-term rates while Mol 1 assumes constant volatility of future short-term rates.这句话V模型里面的西格玛是恒定的,但为什么是crease?老师之前的提问里说这是r的波动率,不是西格玛,可是西格玛不就是r的波动吗?难道西格玛是什么别的东西的波动?还有第二个问题。到底什么是平行移动?我怎么感觉有constant的ift才算平行移动?还有第三个问题。V模型里面,(θ-r)的这个r,在第一个no运算的时候是r0,那到了第二个no,这个r要套上一步的结果变成r1还是说还带入r0?谢谢

2022-10-01 18:40 2 · 回答