The return projections have been made by Eunice. an analyst from an investment company, for each of the assets with the same probability of occurrence, which combination of two equally-weighted assets has lowest diversification effect?
A.Asset A and Asset C.
B.Asset B and Asset C.
C.Asset A and Asset B.
C is correct.
We can also use the calculator to measure the correlation. The correlation between asset B and asset C is -1, between A and B is 0.5, and between A and C is -0.5, the higher correlation, the worse diversification.
老师好,这道题等于说lowest diversification effect, 分散效果最低,的等于是求最相关的两个,算出来AB的correlation 是0.5,BC 是-1,请问一下计算器上按键,2ND 7 输入之后出来的包括标准差,平均,那些值的字母符号怎么看啊,知道标准差平均这个,往下面按y,a 那些又代表什么啊,b 为什么是相关系数。