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曾兰芝🍒 · 2021年02月28日




Which of the following statements is not the advantage of convertible preference shares?



The conversion option becomes more valuable when the common stock price increases.


The preferred dividend is higher than a common dividend.


Convertible preference shares make it possible for minority shareholders to have more proportional representation on the board.


C is correct.

Rather than convertible preference shares, cumulative voting would benefit minority shareholders to have proportional representation on the board by allocating their votes to one or more candidates as they choose.



1 个答案

Debrah_品职答疑助手 · 2021年03月01日



协会原文在R47 P22:

Convertible preference shares have the following advantages:

  1. They allow investors to earn a higher dividend than if they invested in the company’s common shares.
  2. They allow investors the opportunity to share in the profits of the company.
  3. They allow investors to benefit from a rise in the price of the common shares through the conversion option.
  4. Their price is less volatile than the underlying common shares because the dividend payments are known and more stable

onvertible preference shares是可转换优先股,它是一种当特定条件达到时可以转换为普通股的优先股(可以参考讲义133页)。而C描述的定义说的是累计投票权,所以C错了。



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NO.PZ2015122801000026 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is not the aantage of convertible preferenshares? A.The conversion option becomes more valuable when the common stopriincreases. B.The preferrevinis higher tha common vin C.Convertible preferenshares make it possible for minority shareholrs to have more proportionrepresentation on the boar C is correct.Rather thconvertible preferenshares, cumulative voting woulbenefit minority shareholrs to have proportionrepresentation on the boarallocating their votes to one or more cantes they choose.C是正确的本题考察的是可转换优先股的几个优点。如果普通股股价上升,优先股转成普通股就可能获得投票权,就可能对公司经营有话语权,所以这种转换权的价值会提升。所以A对。由于普通股的股利是公司自愿发放的,而优先股的股利,无论公司自愿与否都要发放,所以通常优先股获得的股利会高于普通股。所以B对。C的描述是描述的是累计投票(cumulative voting)的一大优势而非可转换优先股的优势。无论是否为可转换优先股持股人,只要是少数股东,都可以通过累计投票来获得更多的话语权。所以和可转换优先股的关系很小,选 优先股只能说是能保证有分红,至于能不能more than普通股,那得看情况啊。这道题有问题,你可以说more guarantee但不能说More than

2024-07-23 10:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015122801000026问题如下Whiof the following statements is not the aantage of convertible preferenshares?A.The conversion option becomes more valuable when the common stopriincreases.B.The preferrevinis higher tha common vinC.Convertible preferenshares make it possible for minority shareholrs to have more proportionrepresentation on the boar C is correct.Rather thconvertible preferenshares, cumulative voting woulbenefit minority shareholrs to have proportionrepresentation on the boarallocating their votes to one or more cantes they choose.C是正确的本题考察的是可转换优先股的几个优点。如果普通股股价上升,优先股转成普通股就可能获得投票权,就可能对公司经营有话语权,所以这种转换权的价值会提升。所以A对。由于普通股的股利是公司自愿发放的,而优先股的股利,无论公司自愿与否都要发放,所以通常优先股获得的股利会高于普通股。所以B对。C的描述是描述的是累计投票(cumulative voting)的一大优势而非可转换优先股的优势。无论是否为可转换优先股持股人,只要是少数股东,都可以通过累计投票来获得更多的话语权。所以和可转换优先股的关系很小,选老师好,我理解优先股v不一定高于普通股,有2个原因1. 课上老师讲优先股股利也不是必须发放,公司业绩不好的时候就不发了2. 业绩好的时候普通股股利数额是没有上限的,但优先股股利是固定的,除非是participating preferrestock所以感觉优先股是在满足某些条件的情况下才有高于普通股的v,您看我的理解那里有问题呢?

2023-02-22 08:32 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2015122801000026问题如下Whiof the following statements is not the aantage of convertible preferenshares?A.The conversion option becomes more valuable when the common stopriincreases.B.The preferrevinis higher tha common vinC.Convertible preferenshares make it possible for minority shareholrs to have more proportionrepresentation on the boar C is correct.Rather thconvertible preferenshares, cumulative voting woulbenefit minority shareholrs to have proportionrepresentation on the boarallocating their votes to one or more cantes they choose.C是正确的本题考察的是可转换优先股的几个优点。如果普通股股价上升,优先股转成普通股就可能获得投票权,就可能对公司经营有话语权,所以这种转换权的价值会提升。所以A对。由于普通股的股利是公司自愿发放的,而优先股的股利,无论公司自愿与否都要发放,所以通常优先股获得的股利会高于普通股。所以B对。C的描述是描述的是累计投票(cumulative voting)的一大优势而非可转换优先股的优势。无论是否为可转换优先股持股人,只要是少数股东,都可以通过累计投票来获得更多的话语权。所以和可转换优先股的关系很小,选优先股的分红公司也是运营情况可发可不发吧?

2023-02-09 09:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015122801000026问题如下Whiof the following statements is not the aantage of convertible preferenshares?A.The conversion option becomes more valuable when the common stopriincreases.B.The preferrevinis higher tha common vinC.Convertible preferenshares make it possible for minority shareholrs to have more proportionrepresentation on the boar C is correct.Rather thconvertible preferenshares, cumulative voting woulbenefit minority shareholrs to have proportionrepresentation on the boarallocating their votes to one or more cantes they choose.C是正确的本题考察的是可转换优先股的几个优点。如果普通股股价上升,优先股转成普通股就可能获得投票权,就可能对公司经营有话语权,所以这种转换权的价值会提升。所以A对。由于普通股的股利是公司自愿发放的,而优先股的股利,无论公司自愿与否都要发放,所以通常优先股获得的股利会高于普通股。所以B对。C的描述是描述的是累计投票(cumulative voting)的一大优势而非可转换优先股的优势。无论是否为可转换优先股持股人,只要是少数股东,都可以通过累计投票来获得更多的话语权。所以和可转换优先股的关系很小,选如果优先股转换成普通股,则从无投票权变成有,则小股东的话语权有可能变大。C在逻辑上是对的

2022-08-29 08:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015122801000026问题如下Whiof the following statements is not the aantage of convertible preferenshares? A.The conversion option becomes more valuable when the common stopriincreases. B.The preferrevinis higher tha common vin C.Convertible preferenshares make it possible for minority shareholrs to have more proportionrepresentation on the boar C is correct.Rather thconvertible preferenshares, cumulative voting woulbenefit minority shareholrs to have proportionrepresentation on the boarallocating their votes to one or more cantes they choose.C是正确的本题考察的是可转换优先股的几个优点。如果普通股股价上升,普通股转成优先股就可能获得投票权,就可能对公司经营有话语权,所以这种转换权的价值会提升。所以A对。由于普通股的股利是公司自愿发放的,而优先股的股利,无论公司自愿与否都要发放,所以通常优先股获得的股利会高于普通股。所以B对。C的描述是描述的是累计投票(cumulative voting)的一大优势而非可转换优先股的优势。无论是否为可转换优先股持股人,只要是少数股东,都可以通过累计投票来获得更多的话语权。所以和可转换优先股的关系很小,选解析里面说如果普通股股价上升,普通股转成优先股就可能获得投票权,就可能对公司经营有话语权,所以这种转换权的价值会提升。所以A对。不是优先股转成普通股吗?老师上课说的就是优先股转成普通股,怎么变成普通股转成优先股了。

2022-03-16 10:22 1 · 回答