Analyst Bob is studying foreign exchange market. He observes that:
1. The spot exchange market rate is 1.5500 USD/GBP for bid and 1.5505 for ask.
2. The 6-month forward rate is 1.5532 USD/GBP for bid and 1.5540 for ask.
So, Bob can get which of the following conclusions?
A. The 6-month USD interest rate is less than the 6-month GBP interest rate.
B. The 6-month USD interest rate is greater than the 6-month GBP interest rate.
C. The 6-month USD interest rate is equal to the 6-month GBP interest rate.
B is correct.
考点:Interest rate parity
现在分析师Bob观察到的结果是F>S。因此,等式右边这一项数值一定大于1。所以该项中分子的 分母的。所以选B。
这题目的spot rate和forward rate都需要用(bid+ask)/2的middle rate算吗?