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Aaaron · 2021年02月08日




During 2004 and 2005, a popular strategy in credit markets for hedge funds, banks, and brokerages was to sell protection on the equity tranche and buy protection on the mezzanine tranche of the investment-grade CDS index. Which of the following statements regarding this trade is least accurate?



The trade was designed to be default-risk neutral at initiation with equal credit spread sensitivities on the two legs.


This strategy is profitable when the CDS index spread between equity and mezzanine wides.


The motivation of the trade was to have a positively convex payoff profile with the two positions benefiting from credit spread volatility.


The trade was long credit spread risk on the equity tranche and short credit spread risk on the mezzanine tranche.


B is correct.

考点:credit market in early 2005

解析:这个交易是long credit spread risk on the equity tranche,同时short credit spread risk on the mezzanine tranche。最开始是default-neutral的,通过凸性在spread波动中赚差价。equity和mezzanine的spread变大策略会亏钱。


1 个答案

袁园_品职助教 · 2021年02月10日


我们的策略是 short protection on Equity, long protection on Mezzanine,所以如果 Equity 和 Mezzanine 之间的 credit spread 变小,例如 Mezzanine 不变,Equity 的 credit 变好了(那么 Equity 的 protection 就不那么值钱了),那么我们的 long position 无影响, short position 是赚钱的。

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NO.PZ2019052001000069 问题如下 ring 2004 an2005, a populstrategy in cret markets for hee fun, banks, anbrokerages wto sell protection on the equity tranche anbuy protection on the mezzanine tranche of the investment-gra C inx. Whiof the following statements regarng this tra is least accurate? A.The tra wsigneto fault-risk neutrinitiation with equcret spresensitivities on the two legs. B.This strategy is profitable when the C inx sprebetween equity anmezzanine wis. C.The motivation of the tra wto have a positively convex payoff profile with the two positions benefiting from cret sprevolatility. The tra wlong cret risk on the equity tranche anshort cret risk on the mezzanine tranche. B is correct. 考点cret market in early 2005解析这个交易是long cret risk on the equity tranche,同时short cret risk on the mezzanine tranche。最开始是fault-neutral的,通过凸性在sprea动中赚差价。equity和mezzanine的sprea大策略会亏钱。 1).Bsprebetween mezzanine tranche anequity tranche wins是correlation between mezzanine tranche anequity tranche下降的意思吗?二者sprea大,equity tranche自己的sprea大,equity风险更大,是这么推出来的吗?2).ong cret risk on equity tranche是指买入(承担)equity的风险,即short equity C吗?

2022-04-26 15:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019052001000069问题如下 ring 2004 an2005, a populstrategy in cret markets for hee fun, banks, anbrokerages wto sell protection on the equity tranche anbuy protection on the mezzanine tranche of the investment-gra C inx. Whiof the following statements regarng this tra is least accurate? A.The tra wsigneto fault-risk neutrinitiation with equcret spresensitivities on the two legs.B.This strategy is profitable when the C inx sprebetween equity anmezzanine wis.C.The motivation of the tra wto have a positively convex payoff profile with the two positions benefiting from cret sprevolatility.The tra wlong cret risk on the equity tranche anshort cret risk on the mezzanine tranche. B is correct. 考点cret market in early 2005解析这个交易是long cret risk on the equity tranche,同时short cret risk on the mezzanine tranche。最开始是fault-neutral的,通过凸性在sprea动中赚差价。equity和mezzanine的sprea大策略会亏钱。 老师,A说two legs是什么意思?谢谢。

2022-04-19 11:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019052001000069问题如下ring 2004 an2005, a populstrategy in cret markets for hee fun, banks, anbrokerages wto sell protection on the equity tranche anbuy protection on the mezzanine tranche of the investment-gra C inx. Whiof the following statements regarng this tra is least accurate? A.The tra wsigneto fault-risk neutrinitiation with equcret spresensitivities on the two legs. B.This strategy is profitable when the C inx sprebetween equity anmezzanine wis. C.The motivation of the tra wto have a positively convex payoff profile with the two positions benefiting from cret sprevolatility. The tra wlong cret risk on the equity tranche anshort cret risk on the mezzanine tranche. B is correct. 考点cret market in early 2005解析这个交易是long cret risk on the equity tranche,同时short cret risk on the mezzanine tranche。最开始是fault-neutral的,通过凸性在sprea动中赚差价。equity和mezzanine的sprea大策略会亏钱。 不是说卖equity C 收到保费,买入mezzanine C 支付保费,如果equity和mezzanine的sprea大,这样收到保费和支付保费之间的gap就会变大,赚到的钱不是更多吗? 我是这样认为的,不知道哪里错了,请老师指正一下。

2022-04-14 15:24 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019052001000069问题如下ring 2004 an2005, a populstrategy in cret markets for hee fun, banks, anbrokerages wto sell protection on the equity tranche anbuy protection on the mezzanine tranche of the investment-gra C inx. Whiof the following statements regarng this tra is least accurate? A.The tra wsigneto fault-risk neutrinitiation with equcret spresensitivities on the two legs. B.This strategy is profitable when the C inx sprebetween equity anmezzanine wis. C.The motivation of the tra wto have a positively convex payoff profile with the two positions benefiting from cret sprevolatility. The tra wlong cret risk on the equity tranche anshort cret risk on the mezzanine tranche. B is correct. 考点cret market in early 2005解析这个交易是long cret risk on the equity tranche,同时short cret risk on the mezzanine tranche。最开始是fault-neutral的,通过凸性在sprea动中赚差价。equity和mezzanine的sprea大策略会亏钱。 This strategy is profitable when the C inx sprebetween equity anmezzanine wis.如讲义128页的图所示,不是差距越大的时候portfolio的那条线越凸吗?

2022-04-14 12:01 1 · 回答

This strategy is profitable when the C inx sprebetween equity anmezzanine wis. The motivation of the tra wto have a positively convex payoff profile with the two positions benefiting from cret sprevolatility. The tra wlong cret risk on the equity tranche anshort cret risk on the mezzanine tranche. B is correct. 考点cret market in early 2005 解析这个交易是long cret risk on the equity tranche,同时short cret risk on the mezzanine tranche。最开始是fault-neutral的,通过凸性在sprea动中赚差价。equity和mezzanine的sprea大策略会亏钱。 想问下此题对应讲义第几页?

2021-11-23 01:06 1 · 回答