Candy is a high school’s teacher and she wants to know the influence of gender on this final test scores. The gender variable equals to 1 for girl and 0 for boy. After analysis she gets the model that: Test score=79.753+0.983gender. Which of the followings is most likely the conclusion of this result?
A. The test score is 0.983 higher for boys.
B. The test score is 0.983 higher for girls.
C. The girls’ score is 79.753.
B is correct.
考点: Dummy variable.
解析: 本题的自变量为性别,没有具体的数值,所以为虚拟变量,1代表女生,0代表男生。根据回归方程可以知道性别自变量的系数为0.983,代表的含义是在这次期末测试中女生的成绩要比男生的成绩高了0.983分,所以选择B选项。