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Roseline · 2020年12月27日



Regarding the advantages of regression hedge and the disadvantages of DV01 hedge, which of the following is wrong?



Regression hedge approach automatically provides an estimate of the volatility of the hedged portfolio.


Using regression hedge,the trader may estimate how much the nominal yield changes, on average, given a change in the TIPS yield.


They both considered curve risk.


DV01 hedge assumes that the T-bond and the TIPS are perfectly co-dependent, meaning they move 1:1. In reality, empirical data show this is not the case.


C is correct.

考点:Empirical Approaches To Risk Metrics And Hedging

解析:DV01 hedge没有考虑curve risk。


1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2020年12月28日


因为DV01 hedge没考虑△y的变化是不一样的,

而regression hedge 考虑了,结合了用来对冲的产品的△y和久期,把原始头寸和对冲产品进行了回归,也就是说regression hedge考虑了用来对冲的产品的波动性。文字见讲义183页原话。


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NO.PZ2020033001000053 问题如下 Regarng the aantages of regression hee anthe saantages of 01 hee, whiof the following is wrong? A.Regression hee approaautomatically provis estimate of the volatility of the heeportfolio. B.Using regression hee,the trar mestimate how muthe nominyielchanges, on average, given a change in the TIPS yiel C.They both consirecurve risk. 01 hee assumes ththe T-bonanthe TIPS are perfectly co-pennt, meaning they move 1:1. In reality, empiricta show this is not the case. C is correct.考点EmpiricApproaches To Risk MetriAnHeing解析01 hee没有考虑curve risk。 看了回答,还是没有理解透彻。01hee是基于久期来考虑的。Δ=H*Δy的条件是利率和P的变化是线性的吗。这个概念还没理解明白。

2024-04-26 09:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033001000053问题如下 Regarng the aantages of regression hee anthe saantages of 01 hee, whiof the following is wrong? A.Regression hee approaautomatically provis estimate of the volatility of the heeportfolio.B.Using regression hee,the trar mestimate how muthe nominyielchanges, on average, given a change in the TIPS yielC.They both consirecurve risk.01 hee assumes ththe T-bonanthe TIPS are perfectly co-pennt, meaning they move 1:1. In reality, empiricta show this is not the case. C is correct.考点EmpiricApproaches To Risk MetriAnHeing解析01 hee没有考虑curve risk。 regression hee是如何考虑对冲组合的波动性的

2023-07-02 23:51 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033001000053 Using regression hee,the trar mestimate how muthe nominyielchanges, on average, given a change in the TIPS yiel They both consirecurve risk. 01 hee assumes ththe T-bonanthe TIPS are perfectly co-pennt, meaning they move 1:1. In reality, empiricta show this is not the case. C is correct. 考点EmpiricApproaches To Risk MetriAnHeing 解析01 hee没有考虑curve risk。 curve risk涉及的收益率曲线长什么样子,有图吗

2021-08-13 15:52 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033001000053 1.其实这里的curve risk和二阶导是没有关系的吧?我以为说是需要考虑到二阶导,才能说考虑到利率不平行移动的问题? 2.所以说利率不平行移动,说的是两个金融工具之间的利率变动是一样的。而不是说单一金融工具的yielcurve平行移动(不存在凸性)?

2021-03-16 02:06 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033001000053 请问什么是curverisk

2021-02-18 23:26 1 · 回答