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Normy · 2020年12月04日

问一道题:NO.PZ201909300100002403 [ CFA III ]

* 问题详情,请 查看题干


The Tree Fallers Endowment plans to allocate part of its portfolio to alternative investment funds. The endowment has hired Kurt Summer, a consultant at Summer Brothers Consultants, to identify suitable alternative investment funds for its portfolio.

Summer has identified three funds for potential investment and will present the performance of these investments to the endowment’s board of directors at their next quarterly meeting.

Summer is reviewing each of the fund’s fee schedules and is concerned about the manager’s incentive to take on excess risk in an attempt to generate a higher fee. Exhibit 1 presents the fee schedules of the three funds.

Exhibit 2 presents the annual gross returns for each fund and its respective benchmark for the period of 2016–2018. All funds have an inception date of 1 January 2016. Summer intends to include in his report an explanation of the impact of the fee structures of the three funds on returns.

The board of directors of the Tree Fallers Endowment asks Summer to recalculate the fees of the Red Grass Fund assuming a high-water mark feature whereby a sharing percentage could only be charged to the extent any losses had been recouped.

3 Based on Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2, the Yellow Wood Fund’s 2016 investment management fee is:









B is correct.

The fund’s fee schedule includes a base fee of 1.50% and a 20% performance-based fee. The performance-based fee is applied after the base fee is deducted. The total fee is calculated as follows:
1.5% + [20% × (15% – 1.5%)] = 4.20%

2020 mock 题目中 performance部分是用Rp- benchmark 但这题以及基础班讲义都是Rp-base fee 到底用什么 谢谢
1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2020年12月05日



对于yellow fund,不管表现好与不好,都有一个sharing,这个20%的sharing是基于扣除base fee之后的。而

对于blue来说,sharing的部分基于active return部分,也就是基于Rp-Rb来计算的sharing。
