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tqcsummer · 2020年12月04日

问一道题:NO.PZ201603110100002601 第1小题 [ CFA III ]

* 问题详情,请 查看题干


1. Tidewater’s performance presentation for the large cap US value composite fails to comply with the GIPS standards because it does not present:



cumulative composite and benchmark returns.


the percentage of the total firm assets represented by the composite.


the percentage of composite assets represented by non-fee-paying portfolios.


The composite description indicates that the composite contains both fee-paying and non-fee-paying portfolios. GIPS Provision I.5.A.6 states, "If a composite includes non-fee-paying portfolios, the firm must present the percentage of composite assets represented by non-fee-paying portfolios as of each annual period end." A is incorrect because the Standards recommend but do not require that firms present cumulative returns for all periods. B is incorrect because the Standards permit firms to present either the percentage of the total firm assets represented by the composite or the amount of total firm assets at the end of each annual period. (See Sections 3.12 and 3.13 of the reading.)

想问一下a选项,对于cumulative return和annual return都是推荐披露吗?必须披露composite月度return是这样吗?
1 个答案

韩韩_品职助教 · 2020年12月04日


是的,必须计算和披露composite月度return,然后annual return/cumulative return都是推阿健披露。
