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酒酿节瓜 · 2020年11月26日



When the real exchange rate( assuming domestic currency is price currency and foreign currency is base currency) increased, which of the followings is most likely to be associated with an decrease?



Nominal exchange rate.


Domestic price level.


Foreign price level.


B is correct.

The formula of real exchange rate is :

Real exchange rate (d/f) =Sd/f×(Pf/Pd){}_{(d/f)\text{ }}=S_d/f\times(P_f/P_d)

An decrease in the domestic price level increases the real exchange rate because it implies an decrease in the purchasing power of the domestic currency compared to foreign currency.

考点: exchange rate

解析: Real exchange rate (d/f) =Sd/f×(Pf/Pd){}_{(d/f)\text{ }}=S_d/f\times(P_f/P_d)

根据上述公式,较高的Nominal exchange rate,较高的Foreign price level,以及较低的Domestic price level会产生较高的Real exchange rate

有点没有明白题目。如果说一般的real exchange rate是默认 “外币/本币” (本币作为base currency),那么题目中的含义是现在以 “本币/外币” 来看real exchange rate. 那当这个exchange rate 上升的时候,不是只有本币下跌,或者外币上升,才会使这个exhcange rate上升么?

2 个答案

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年11月26日


同学你好,题干上说的是外币作为base currency 而本币作为price currency的形式。

根据Real exchange rate {}_{(d/f)\text{ }}=S_d/f\times(P_f/P_d)(d/f) ​=Sd​/f×(Pf​/Pd​)

只有Pd​下降才会使得real exchange rate上升


酒酿节瓜 · 2020年11月27日

谢谢,我把公式记反了 _(┐「ε:)_

丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年11月29日


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NO.PZ2018062003000200 问题如下 When the reexchange rate( assuming mestic currenis pricurrenan foreign currenis base currency) increase whiof the followings is most likely to associatewith crease? A.Nominexchange rate. B.mestic prilevel. C.Foreign prilevel. B is correct.The formula of reexchange rate is :Reexchange rate (f) =Sf×(Pf/P{}_{(f)\text{ }}=S_f\times(P_f/P_(f) ​=S/f×(Pf​/P) crease in the mestic prilevel increases the reexchange rate because it implies crease in the purchasing power of the mestic currencompareto foreign currency.考点 exchange rate解析 Reexchange rate (f) =Sf×(Pf/P{}_{(f)\text{ }}=S_f\times(P_f/P_(f) ​=S/f×(Pf​/P)根据上述公式,较高的Nominexchange rate,较高的Foreign prilevel,以及较低的mestic prilevel会产生较高的Reexchange rate 这道题应该是用这张图的公式。我是不是可以认为,mestic prilevel就是CPI(?

2023-06-27 11:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000200 问题如下 When the reexchange rate( assuming mestic currenis pricurrenan foreign currenis base currency) increase whiof the followings is most likely to associatewith crease? A.Nominexchange rate. B.mestic prilevel. C.Foreign prilevel. B is correct.The formula of reexchange rate is :Reexchange rate (f) =Sf×(Pf/P{}_{(f)\text{ }}=S_f\times(P_f/P_(f) ​=S/f×(Pf​/P) crease in the mestic prilevel increases the reexchange rate because it implies crease in the purchasing power of the mestic currencompareto foreign currency.考点 exchange rate解析 Reexchange rate (f) =Sf×(Pf/P{}_{(f)\text{ }}=S_f\times(P_f/P_(f) ​=S/f×(Pf​/P)根据上述公式,较高的Nominexchange rate,较高的Foreign prilevel,以及较低的mestic prilevel会产生较高的Reexchange rate 另外视频讲解中没有说base currency和pricurrency的概念,这个请帮忙下概念

2022-07-15 09:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000200 mestic prilevel. Foreign prilevel. B is correct. The formula of reexchange rate is : Reexchange rate (f) =Sf×(Pf/P{}_{(f)\text{ }}=S_f\times(P_f/P_(f) ​=S/f×(Pf​/P) crease in the mestic prilevel increases the reexchange rate because it implies crease in the purchasing power of the mestic currencompareto foreign currency. 考点 exchange rate 解析 Reexchange rate (f) =Sf×(Pf/P{}_{(f)\text{ }}=S_f\times(P_f/P_(f) ​=S/f×(Pf​/P) 根据上述公式,较高的Nominexchange rate,较高的Foreign prilevel,以及较低的mestic prilevel会产生较高的Reexchange rate实际利率上升,名义利率不变,通货膨胀率下降,本币升值,所以base currency上升,另外那个就下降,这样理解对吗

2021-07-20 18:59 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000200 pricurren和 base currency分别是比例里的哪个啊 举个例子

2021-04-26 21:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062003000200 所以reexchange rate是默认 price/base吗 还是看具体题目要求?

2021-04-22 12:24 2 · 回答