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shirley_hd · 2020年11月25日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干


Stephanie Tolmach is a consultant hired to create a performance attribution report on three funds held by a defined benefit pension plan (the Plan). Fund 1 is a domestic equity strategy, Fund 2 is a global equity strategy, and Fund 3 is a domestic fixed-income strategy.
Tolmach uses three approaches to attribution analysis: the return-based, holdings-based, and transaction-based approaches. The Plan’s investment committee asks Tolmach to (1) apply the attribution method that uses only each fund’s total portfolio returns over the last 12 months to identify return-generating components of the investment process and (2) include the impact of specific active investment decisions and the attribution effects of allocation and security selection in the report.
Tolmach first evaluates the performance of Fund 1 by constructing a Carhart factor model; the results are presented in Exhibit 1.

Tolmach turns her attention to Fund 2, constructing a region-based micro attribution analysis to evaluate the active decisions of the portfolio manager. The results are presented in Exhibit 2.

Next, Tolmach evaluates Fund 3 and the appropriateness of its benchmark. The benchmark is a cap-weighted bond index with daily reported performance; the index is rebalanced frequently, making it difficult to replicate. The benchmark has a meaningful investment in foreign bonds, whereas Fund 3 invests only in domestic bonds.
In the final section of the report, Tolmach reviews the entire Plan’s characteristics, asset allocation, and benchmark. Tolmach observes that the Plan’s benefits are no longer indexed to inflation and that the workforce is, on average, younger than it was when the current fund allocations were approved. Tolmach recommends a change in the Plan’s asset allocation policy.

6 Based on Exhibit 2, the decision to overweight or underweight which of the following regions contributed positively to performance at the overall fund level?



North America


Greater Europe


Developed Asia and Australasia


C is correct.

The decision to underweight developed Asia and Australasia was a good one because the benchmark for this region underperformed the total benchmark (12.85% versus 22.67%). Alternatively, the question can be answered by calculating the allocation effects for the three regions, as follows:
Allocation = (wiWi)(BiB)
North America = (10.84% – 7.67%)(16.47% – 22.67%) = –0.20%
Greater Europe = (38.92% – 42.35%)(25.43% – 22.67%) = –0.09%
Developed Asia and Australasia = (29.86% – 31.16%)(12.85% – 22.67%) = 0.13%

Developed Asia and Australasia is the only region of the three that had a positive allocation effect.

为何不能用Brinson Model算呢?结果是A是正的影响。

1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2020年11月26日


李老师上课的时候也说过,这个问题是协会的一个bug,目前还未针对这个问题勘误过。所以我们现在遇到题目还是按照李老师总结的来做,除非题目明确说了用Brinson Model,则用 (wi – Wi) *B。其余多数情况还是用(wi – Wi)(Bi – B)。

  • 1

  • 0

  • 979


NO.PZ201909300100000306 问题如下 6 Baseon Exhibit 2, the cision to overweight or unrweight whiof the following regions contributepositively to performanthe overall funlevel? A.North Ameri B.Greater Europe C.velopeAsia anAustralasi C is correct. The cision to unrweight velopeAsia anAustralasia wa gooone because the benchmark for this region unrperformethe totbenchmark (12.85% versus 22.67%). Alternatively, the question canswerecalculating the allocation effects for the three regions, follows:Allocation = (wi – Wi)(– B)North Ameri= (10.84% – 7.67%)(16.47% – 22.67%) = –0.20%Greater Europe = (38.92% – 42.35%)(25.43% – 22.67%) = –0.09%velopeAsia anAustralasia = (29.86% – 31.16%)(12.85% – 22.67%) = 0.13%velopeAsia anAustralasia is the only region of the three thha positive allocation effect. 题目问的是the cision to overweight or unrweight whi,是要决定权重,为什么还要乘以权重看?题目问法感觉不严谨

2024-07-17 07:30 1 · 回答

Greater Europe velopeAsia anAustralasia C is correct. The cision to unrweight velopeAsia anAustralasia wa gooone because the benchmark for this region unrperformethe totbenchmark (12.85% versus 22.67%). Alternatively, the question canswerecalculating the allocation effects for the three regions, follows: Allocation = (wi – Wi)(– North Ameri= (10.84% – 7.67%)(16.47% – 22.67%) = –0.20% Greater Europe = (38.92% – 42.35%)(25.43% – 22.67%) = –0.09% velopeAsia anAustralasia = (29.86% – 31.16%)(12.85% – 22.67%) = 0.13% velopeAsia anAustralasia is the only region of the three thha positive allocation effect. 我个人对这道题的理解是就比较Rp-四个行业总的RB,哪一个大就选哪个factor,为什么还要看weight,weight根据题目的意思是可以随意调增调减的

2020-03-29 12:01 1 · 回答

老师你好,这道题题目中并没有说要从allocation effect角度来看应该增加或减少某类的权重,李老师讲的是和各个类别的benchmark比较(我理解这是从allocation的角度出发)。为什么不能用各个portfolio return和总的benchmark(22.67)做对比呢,这样看更直接能看出因为投资哪一类别(对比总benchmark)对整体的贡献更大,结果就是只能选velopeAsia。

2020-03-16 19:21 1 · 回答

是因为题中问到了overweight或是unrweight,所以是使用allocation这个矩阵来计算并得出结论么? 另外为何题目是overweight或是unrweight这样问呢,感觉不是很严谨,每个则有两种了啊

2020-02-18 12:55 1 · 回答