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colin809 · 2020年11月22日

问一道题:NO.PZ201512181000007306 第6小题 [ CFA II ]

* 问题详情,请 查看题干


Which of Martin’s statements relating to the introduction of electronic markets is correct?



Statement 1


Statement 2


Statement 3


A is correct. Once built, electronic systems are indeed cheaper to operate than floor-based trading systems. They require less physical space than do trading floors, and in contrast to floor-based trading systems, they do not require exchange officials to record and report prices. Furthermore, the widespread use of electronic trading systems significantly decreased trading costs for buy-side traders. Costs fell as exchanges obtained greater cost efficiencies from using electronic matching systems instead of floor-based manual trading systems.These technologies also decreased costs and increased efficiencies for the dealers and arbitrageurs who provide much of the liquidity offered at exchanges. Competition forced them to pass along much of the benefits of their new technologies to buy-side traders in the form of narrower spreads quoted for larger
sizes. New electronic buy-side order management systems also decreased buyside trading costs by allowing a smaller number of buy-side traders to process more orders and to process them more efficiently than manual traders. While electronic trading has had a significant effect on equity markets, it has not had as much of an effect on the markets for corporate and municipal bonds. The market structures of corporate and municipal bond markets have hardly changed since the late 19th century. Despite the efforts of many creative developers of electronic bond trading systems, most public investors in these markets still trade largely over the counter with dealers

第二个陈述 最后答案说减少trader?但又增加dealer?这怎么理解?
1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2020年11月23日


通过答案解析可以看出,增加electronic systems可以降低的是1. dealer和Arbitrageurs的cost; 2. buy-side trader的数量。所以Sts 2说增加trader的数量是不正确的。


These technologies also DECREASED costs and increased efficiencies for the dealers and arbitrageurs who provide much of the liquidity offered at exchanges. Competition forced them to pass along much of the benefits of their new technologies to buy-side traders in the form of narrower spreads quoted for largersizes. New electronic buy-side order management systems also decreased buyside trading costs by allowing a SMALLER number of buy-side traders to process more orders and to process them more efficiently than manual traders

  • 1

  • 0

  • 1212


NO.PZ201512181000007306 问题如下 Whiof Martin’s statements relating to the introction of electronic markets is correct? A.Statement 1 B.Statement 2 C.Statement 3 A is correct. Onbuilt, electronic systems are inecheaper to operate thfloor-basetrang systems. They require less physicspath trang floors, anin contrast to floor-basetrang systems, they not require exchange officials to recoranreport prices. Furthermore, the wispreuse of electronic trang systems significantly creasetrang costs for buy-si trars. Costs fell exchanges obtainegreater cost efficiencies from using electronic matching systems insteof floor-basemanutrang systems.These technologies also creasecosts anincreaseefficiencies for the alers anarbitrageurs who provi muof the liquity offereexchanges. Competition forcethem to pass along muof the benefits of their new technologies to buy-si trars in the form of narrower sprea quotefor larger sizes. New electronic buy-si orr management systems also creasebuysi trang costs allowing a smaller number of buy-si trars to process more orrs anto process them more efficiently thmanutrars. While electronic trang hha significant effeon equity markets, it hnot hmuof effeon the markets for corporate anmunicipbon. The market structures of corporate anmunicipbonmarkets have hary changesinthe late 19th century. spite the efforts of many creative velopers of electronic bontrang systems, most public investors in these markets still tra largely over the counter with alers 为什么statement 2不对

2024-10-28 16:05 1 · 回答

老师好statement 2, 是不是错在说是attramany trars,应该是减少the numbers to trars,但是小量trars,可以做大交易,所以在市场上提供了流动性,所以spre会低,这样的理解对吗?谢谢。

2021-01-07 09:21 1 · 回答


2020-03-05 22:52 1 · 回答

老师, 所以trars 一般是指帮助机构进行购买或者卖是吧, 他们不赚差价是吧? 但是alers 赚的是spre差价? 但是因为不需要trar下单,所以trar更少, 但是因为下单便捷,更多aler进来买卖? 感觉一般大家说自己是trar感觉也是赚差价的职业,但是CFA不是这么定义的是么?

2020-02-26 21:53 1 · 回答