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haq1992212 · 2020年11月22日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016012102000126 [ CFA I ]


The patent of Firm A was impaired last year. Net income of Firm A in this year will be:



no change compared to not taking the impairment charge.


higher compared to not taking the impairment charge.


lower compared to not taking the impairment charge.


B is correct.

Patent is an example of intangible asset with finite useful lives, which should be amortized. Since the impairment charge lower the carrying value of the patent, the amortization expense in this year is reduced. This will increase the net income of the firm.


它的意思是说有一个finite-lived identifiable intangible asset(其实考察的是这个无形资产需要摊销),如果进行了减值之后的NI和没有进行减值的NI比较会是怎样的。


1 个答案

Olive_品职助教 · 2020年11月23日







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NO.PZ2016012102000126问题如下The patent of Firm A wimpairelast year. Net income of Firm A in this yewill be:A.no change compareto not taking the impairment charge.B.higher compareto not taking the impairment charge.C.lower compareto not taking the impairment charge. B is correct.Patent is example of intangible asset with finite useful lives, whishoulamortize Sinthe impairment charge lower the carrying value of the patent, the amortization expense in this yeis rece This will increase the net income of the firm.考点无形资产摊销 题目说的是last year发生减值,问的是current year的情况 它的意思是说有一个finite-liveintifiable intangible asset(其实考察的是这个无形资产需要摊销),如果进行了减值之后的NI和没有进行减值的NI比较会是怎样的。如果减值了,那么无形资产的账面价值就下降,那么需要摊销的金额也下降,所以以后的NI相对于没有减值的NI会上升。 题目看明白了,但是现在如果问Last Year减值,那么减值当年的NI会变多还是变少?我的理解是,Asset 减了一个数,并且在I/S里面实现了一个Loss,所以NI减少了?是这样吗?还是说应该理解为,即使是设定减值的那一年,NI也还是因为p的减少而增加的呢?

2023-04-10 20:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000126 问题如下 The patent of Firm A wimpairelast year. Net income of Firm A in this yewill be: A.no change compareto not taking the impairment charge. B.higher compareto not taking the impairment charge. C.lower compareto not taking the impairment charge. B is correct.Patent is example of intangible asset with finite useful lives, whishoulamortize Sinthe impairment charge lower the carrying value of the patent, the amortization expense in this yeis rece This will increase the net income of the firm.考点无形资产摊销 题目说的是last year发生减值,问的是current year的情况 它的意思是说有一个finite-liveintifiable intangible asset(其实考察的是这个无形资产需要摊销),如果进行了减值之后的NI和没有进行减值的NI比较会是怎样的。如果减值了,那么无形资产的账面价值就下降,那么需要摊销的金额也下降,所以以后的NI相对于没有减值的NI会上升。 您好,没理解这道题为什么问的是\"减值了和没减值的区别\"?怎么看出来的?按照解析所答减值了的NI上升,那\"in this year\"指的是减值了的还是没减值的?很困惑啊,如果今年的指的是没减值的,那就应该是lower才对啊?

2023-04-01 23:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000126问题如下The patent of Firm A wimpairelast year. Net income of Firm A in this yewill be:A.no change compareto not taking the impairment charge.B.higher compareto not taking the impairment charge.C.lower compareto not taking the impairment charge. B is correct.Patent is example of intangible asset with finite useful lives, whishoulamortize Sinthe impairment charge lower the carrying value of the patent, the amortization expense in this yeis rece This will increase the net income of the firm.考点无形资产摊销 题目说的是last year发生减值,问的是current year的情况 它的意思是说有一个finite-liveintifiable intangible asset(其实考察的是这个无形资产需要摊销),如果进行了减值之后的NI和没有进行减值的NI比较会是怎样的。如果减值了,那么无形资产的账面价值就下降,那么需要摊销的金额也下降,所以以后的NI相对于没有减值的NI会上升。 减值之后计提一个loss,会直接降低net income啊

2022-08-23 20:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000126 看了其他同学的提问和助教的回答,我知道这题问的是【去年减值,今年的NI】和【去年不减值,今年的NI】谁大谁小。 以下是我的疑问 【疑问一】 假设NI是2000元,机器carrying value是100元,预计使用寿命是10年,残值是0,那么在不减值的情况下,我今年得折旧10元,忽略各种销货成本、利息、税等费用,所以我得从NI 2000元里扣除10元。 我去年给机器减值到了50元,残值依然是0,从今年开始我每年就只对它进行折旧5元,今年的NI就是2000元里扣除5元。 上面两点是我的理解,这样对吗? 【疑问二】 原版书写着the amount of the impairment loss will renet income on the income statement,这话乍看之下没有问题,可是用这话来解这道题就解错了。这句话跟这道题的联系在哪?或者是根本没有联系?

2021-11-26 09:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000126 Patent是一定是Finite-Live的吗?

2021-10-19 10:22 1 · 回答