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chris2.0🔱 · 2020年11月14日

问一道题:NO.PZ201701230200000306 [ CFA II ]

* 问题详情,请 查看题干


Rowan Madison is a junior analyst at Cardinal Capital. Sage Winter, a senior portfolio manager and Madison’s supervisor, meets with Madison to discuss interest rates and review two bond positions in the firm’s fixed-income portfolio.

Winter begins the meeting by asking Madison to state her views on the term structure of interest rates. Madison responds:

"Yields are a reflection of expected spot rates and risk premiums. Investors demand risk premiums for holding long-term bonds, and these risk premiums increase with maturity."

Winter next asks Madison to describe features of equilibrium and arbitrage-free term structure models. Madison responds by making the following statements:

Statement 1 "Equilibrium term structure models are factor models that use the observed market prices of a reference set of financial instruments, assumed to be correctly priced, to model the market yield curve."

Statement 2 "In contrast, arbitrage-free term structure models seek to describe the dynamics of the term structure by using fundamental economic variables that are assumed to affect interest rates."

Winter asks Madison about her preferences concerning term structure models. Madison states:

"I prefer arbitrage-free models. Even though equilibrium models require fewer parameters to be estimated relative to arbitrage-free models, arbitrage-free models allow for time-varying parameters. In general, this allowance leads to arbitrage-free models being able to model the market yield curve more precisely than equilibrium models."

Winter tells Madison that, based on recent changes in spreads, she is concerned about a perceived increase in counterparty risk in the economy and its effect on the portfolio. Madison asks Winter:

"Which spread measure should we use to assess changes in counterparty risk in the economy?"

Winter is also worried about the effect of yield volatility on the portfolio. She asks Madison to identify the economic factors that affect short-term and long-term rate volatility. Madison responds:

"Short-term rate volatility is mostly linked to uncertainty regarding monetary policy, whereas long-term rate volatility is mostly linked to uncertainty regarding the real economy and inflation."

Finally, Winter asks Madison to analyze the interest rate risk portfolio positions in a 5-year and a 20-year bond. Winter requests that the analysis be based on level, slope, and curvature as term structure factors. Madison presents her analysis in Exhibit 1.

Exhibit 1. Three-Factor Model of Term Structure

Note: Entries indicate how yields would change for a one standard deviation increase in a factor.

Winter asks Madison to perform two analyses:

Analysis 1: Calculate the expected change in yield on the 20-year bond resulting from a two standard deviation increase in the steepness factor.

Analysis 2: Calculate the expected change in yield on the five-year bond resulting from a one standard deviation decrease in the level factor and a one standard deviation decrease in the curvature factor.

6. Based on Exhibit 1, the results of Analysis 1 should show the yield on the 20-year bond decreasing by:









B is correct.

Because the factors in Exhibit 1 have been standardized to have unit standard deviations, a two standard deviation increase in the steepness factor will lead to the yield on the 20-year bond decreasing by 0.6030%, calculated as follows:

Change in 20-year bond yield = -0.3015% ×2 = -0.6030%.

1 个答案

WallE_品职答疑助手 · 2020年11月14日


因为题目问的是the yield on the 20-year bond decreasing by,注意是“the yield”,而不是the price。算价格变动的时候需要乘以duration。

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NO.PZ201701230200000306 问题如下 6. Baseon Exhibit 1, the results of Analysis 1 shoulshow the yielon the 20-yeboncreasing by: A.0.3015%. B.0.6030%. C.0.8946%. B is correct.Because the factors in Exhibit 1 have been stanrzeto have unit stanrviations, a two stanrviation increase in the steepness factor will leto the yielon the 20-yeboncreasing 0.6030%, calculatefollows:Change in 20-yebonyiel= -0.3015% ×2 = -0.6030%. 只要是Three-Factor Mol of Term Structure 给出这个表就是某个factor变动一个标准差,yiel变化对吗?

2024-07-28 11:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201701230200000306 0.6030%. 0.8946%. B is correct. Because the factors in Exhibit 1 have been stanrzeto have unit stanrviations, a two stanrviation increase in the steepness factor will leto the yielon the 20-yeboncreasing 0.6030%, calculatefollows: Change in 20-yebonyiel= -0.3015% ×2 = -0.6030%.如题,能否从定性定量两个方面一下,谢谢

2021-06-06 17:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201701230200000306 0.6030%. 0.8946%. B is correct. Because the factors in Exhibit 1 have been stanrzeto have unit stanrviations, a two stanrviation increase in the steepness factor will leto the yielon the 20-yeboncreasing 0.6030%, calculatefollows: Change in 20-yebonyiel= -0.3015% ×2 = -0.6030%.第6、7小问的题干里分别问the yielon the 20/5 years bon如何变化,拆成三个factor不是求的是portfolio的变化吗?所以题目里给的一个标准差变动对债券收益率的影响也不是对组合收益率的影响而是具体某期限债券收益率的影响?

2021-04-27 13:39 1 · 回答

老师好 这里是否因为有个note说entries incate how yiel woulchange for a one stanrviation increase in factor,所以就不用在乘以一个 KR是吗? 这note 指的是上升一个stanrviation 20年的steepness, 债券的收益率下降0.3015%是吗?这里因为已经考虑了收益率的变化方向,如果没这note是否要再乘以一个KR= 20/3 不是乘以个- KR=-20/3 了是吗?谢谢。

2020-03-06 17:26 1 · 回答