1. 结论
- 你举例的两个题干关键词,都有说 availability bias
- availability bias 的定义是 estimating the probability of an outcome based on how easily the outcome comes to mind
- 最先想到的,就最容易投资,从这个题目背景能读出来,Lam 因为工作中会做很多公司的代表律师,所以最容易想起来自己的成功客户,博客和广告也是他最终投资决策的一个重要来源,这都是在说 availability bias
2. Q1
- 题干第一个关键词 "remind him of his most successful clients because 'they know what works.'",
- 解析是认为这句话同时体现了 availability bias 和 representativeness,也没错,可以看成关注的重点不同
- availability bias 关注的是「前」半句 "remind him of",侧重的是他首先想到的就是自己接触的成功客户,还有博客看到的那些信息,所以他做决策是基于 "how easily the outcome comes to mind"
- representativeness bias 关注的是「后」半句 "most successful clients because 'they know what works.'",是说 Lam 觉得他那些大老板客户以前能干得好未来也能干得好,所以属于 "tend to classify new information based on past experiences and classifications"
3. Q2
- 你的理解是对的
- 原版书 P72 主要介绍了四种结果
- 题干 "advertisements by industry trade groups and blogs sponsored by the companies he is researching" 对应结果 1 "based on advertising rather than on a thorough analysis of the options."