3. When instructing Grohl to eliminate the multi-factor analysis from the research report, does Brecksen violate any CFA Standards?
A. No.
B. Yes, relating to record retention.
C. Yes, relating to diligence and reasonable basis.
A is correct.
Brecksen does not consider the multi-factor analysis a critical component of the analysis or the resulting investment recommendation and thus, under Standards V(A) and (C), is not required to maintain a record of the analysis within the completed report.
Apfelbaum uses traditional "top-down" fundamental analysis in the investment process. The report followed the traditional format of previous reports on the same company. It contained a complete fundamental analysis and recommendation—indicating diligence and reasonable basis. The report also contained a multi-factor analysis—which is a quantitative analysis tool. If quantitative analysis were the basis of the investment recommendation, it would constitute a change in the general investment principles used by the firm. According to Standard V(B) –Communications with Clients and Prospective Clients, Brecksen and Grohl would be required to promptly disclose those changes to clients and prospective clients.